XV: New Perspective

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I admired my own, new look in front of a slim mirror. I had taken the style from back at the young Lord Kotaku's manor and added a little spice to make it my own original look.

I still wore that black, skin tight top that revealed my entire stomach and back, with black shorts and the slitted black skirt to match. But this time I wore black fishnet underneath, adding an extra spice with tight yet comfortable black boots.

Over it all I wore a loose white haori, similar to Sasuke's attire except it went down to my knees. A haori that wore the symbol of the white dragon on the back.

I kept my haori open, tying it together with what I would like to call the signature Team Orochimaru style, his purple snake rope that tied around my hips and came to a large bow in the back.

It was like I was a wrapped present. I found it amusing.

I allowed my wavy auburn hair to flow free as it reached down to the small of my back. I swept my bangs to the side, while letting some strands loose.

A week had passed and my eyes were finally back to normal; normal as in they both held the crystal blue color once again. Whatever damage Sasuke's chidori had done to my eye caused the golden hue in my left to revert back to its original, which Father was kind of annoyed about. But I liked it. My eyes finally matched again, this time, permanently.

I smiled to myself as I opened the door, only to see a stone wall.

We had moved to a new hideout, this one the smallest we had ever stayed in. It made me happy. Although it was very cramped.

I walked out of my room and down the dimly lit hallway. When I turned I nearly ran into Kabuto, as the tray in his hand nearly spilled over.

"Miyako." He greeted with a risen eyebrow as he eyed me up and down.

"You like?" I struck a pose for him, an amused smile on his face as he shook his head.

"Dressed like that, I won't be surprised if you get kidnapped."

I shot him a displeased glare.

He only bowed his head to me in a mocking way.

"You look as beautiful as ever, princess." He said. And then he resumed his walk down the hallway on to Father's chambers.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, Miyako." Kabuto called out.


"Limit your use in genjutsu. Applying too much pressu-"

"Gotcha, four eyes!" I yelled as I continued down the hallway.

I passed Sasuke's door before I skidded to a stop, taking a few steps back.

I flung open his door with the flick of a finger, but instead it blasted open and in through his room. I was upset when I didn't find him in here.

So I resumed my ambling.

Sasuke hadn't bothered on coming to see me ever since the incident. Either he's feeling guilty for doing this to me, or he just simply does not want to see me.

But I wanted to see him. I needed to practice my taijutsu on him, that being one of my weaker skills. I'm not horrible at taijutsu; I'm actually decent in it, having the strength and stamina to do it. But that is one thing Sasuke can beat me at; one thing I never bothered to practice much since I focused most of my training in mastering all of my gen and ninjutsu.

Which is why I needed to find that annoying brat and have him train with me in that category.

I could sense his chakra the moment I stepped foot into the woods. It was a strange yet comforting feeling knowing he was here.

I grinned in excitement as I picked up my pace, feeling his presence come closer.

I skidded to a stop when I suddenly felt him above me.

I looked up to see him coming at me, his chakra focused on his hand, lightning emitting from it.

I swiftly turned and sidestepped out of the way as he landed on his hand before pushing himself up.

His expression was unreadable as he swung his foot up at me, which I blocked with my forearm. He took that moment to swing his left fist at me which I dodged.

And then he brought up his foot again, which I brought my hands up to block.

My eyes widened when I saw his hand from the corner of my eye.

I jumped back in an instant, watching him with tentative eyes as he looked down at me with a smirk.

"You alright, princess?" He said in a mocking tone.

I suddenly appeared in front of him in a crouch, swinging my foot to trip him, but he merely jumped, placing his hand on my shoulder as he flipped over me.

I took that moment to grip his wrist, but his other hand simply wrapped over mine.

And then he swung me up in the air as I spun around to face him, bringing my foot to his face.

He rose an eyebrow as he tilted his head back to dodge my swing, causing him to release my hand with one of his. I spun back onto the ground, our arms in a little tangle.

I took that moment to bring my foot up to his crotch.

I snickered as his eyes widened.

He caught my foot, and I took that moment once again to swing my free foot up to his weakness.

Realizing the dilemma he was in, my eyes widened when he kicked my foot away, before yanking me into him.

I pressed my hands against his bare chest.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked with narrowed eyes. I couldn't hide the blood that was rushing to my cheeks at this instant, the warmth of his skin sending tingles throughout my body.

He only smirked before yanking me against his chest.

I thought he was trying to embrace me until I felt his fist collide into my ribs.

I let out a pained cough, realizing now what he had just done.

He had pulled me into him to catch me off of guard, to make it look like he wanted to hug me.

It was a good tactic in doing that. Since Sasuke and I had never been that close before, never touched each other unless we fought or we were forced to.

That damn brat took that moment to send a finishing blow into my stomach.

I used my wind envelopment jutsu to disappear from his sight, appearing on the branch of a tree a good distance away from Sasuke.

I gritted my teeth together in annoyance as I pressed my had lightly on my ribs.

I hissed at the slight touch, a dark bruise already forming.

No matter. This would disappear in no time.

What really irritated me is Sasuke had to pull that clever move in order to mess me up. He had no idea how much he had frustrated me.

I sighed, leaning my head against the tree. I don't give him much credit. He is brilliant; I'd hate to have him as an enemy since he frustrates me so much!!

"Why are you hiding.. in a tree?"

I rose my head slowly, my eyes trailing up Sasuke's body before landing on his dark eyes twinkling in amusement.

"You should be grateful that I wasn't using my sharingan. Our spar would have ended in seconds." Sasuke said, a hint of a smirk forming on his lips.

"Use it this time then." I said as I slowly pushed myself up.

"You want to go at it again?" He asked, a hint of shock in his tone as he looked at the dark bruise on my stomach he had inflicted upon me.

I sneered. "What's wrong, Sasuke? Are you scared?"

"No." He said simply, shutting his eyes. His expression had suddenly switched from irritated to pained in a matter of seconds.



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