XXXXI: Recollection

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"There are two things in the world that define us. What do you think they are?"

"The people you choose to spend your time with. They influence who you are."

"You're very bright for a nine year old."

"I'm seven, Itachi!" Miyako whined, shooting more of her water jutsu in his direction. 

He chuckled, easily deflecting her skilled attacks. Every few seconds she would send a little water serpent his way, as he either dodged them or eliminated them with a slight swing of his kunai.

"But your answer is incorrect, little Miyako."

Miyako sighed, slumping down on her butt as she crossed her arms. She wore a dramatic pout on her lips, arms crossed in irritation.

"I don't want to hear your lecture! You're supposed to be helping me train!!" Miyako complained.

"There will be people you come across when you achieve your freedom, wanting to take advantage of you for your powers."

"Grandfather said-"

"Your grandfather does not define who you are. You define yourself, little Miyako. Create your own path, and don't let anyone lead you astray. Because the second they take advantage over you, it's the end."


If only I had recalled that memory years ago.

I brushed my damp hair back as I surfaced from the bottom of a spring I had formed in a crater, filling the bottom underneath the thin layer of rock with lava as it heated the water above.

Sasuke had kept Jugo close on my tail to make sure I didn't try to leave or do anything stupid. Karin had been tied around his hip as we slowly but surely made our way to the eight tails' location.

"Are you alright, Lady Miyako?" Jugo finally asked from behind a boulder.

"Do you want the truth?"

"Well, you have been in there for over an hour.."

"I feel like I've made the wrong decision."

It was silent for a few moments as I heard shuffling from Jugo.

"How so, my lady?"

"Seriously Jugo, just call me Miyako. And what do you mean how so? What Sasuke has done and is doing goes against what I am. I can't do it."

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Its not that simple." I sighed.

"Well, of course it is, my lady."

"I've made a promise to someone special to me, and I still intend to keep that promise even if it takes me months, even years to fulfill. And I know if I try to leave, Sasuke would just drag me right back here."

"He just worries about you, Lady Miyako. He cares for you."

"I don't think its that at all, Jugo. If the Akatsuki, when the Akatsuki betray us in the near future, he wants to use me as a tool to destroy them."

"Has he told you that?"


"Then its not true."

I rolled my eyes, leaning back into the water as I floated on my back.

"Sasuke has clearly shown that he does care for you, Lady-"

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя