•the one where they meet•

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Thanks for all the votes and comments:)

I changed the cover to Chocolate Kisses based on the picture.

Harry won't be an asshole. (I'll try my best to not have him come out as one). Well, not to Louis.


"Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson, and I- well I really like chocolate kisses," Louis spoke quietly to the class who was staring at him with judgemental eyes. A few rolled their eyes,while other laughed into their hands. Louis tried not to let it affect him,the teacher asked for his name, and something he really liked so he was only following rules.

He nervously pushed back his glasses and bit his lip. The teacher at the front of the class smiled warmly at him and motioned for him to sit down.

Louis let out a breath of relief and sat down. He nervously tapped his fingers on. The edge of the desk.

"If I were you I'd move," a brown eyed boy muttered.

Louis turned to him in surprise, his seat was right beside him. He had brown hair and was wearing a light blue t-shirt. "Hm?" Louis asked confused.

"You should move- that's Harry's seat," Brown eyes whispered, his eyes flickering to the door.

"Well, he's not here now is he? Is his name engraved on gold on someplace I can't see?'' Louis asked.

Brown eyes seemed taken aback, he only shook his head, "don't say I didn't warn you," he muttered.

Louis rolled his eyes, he grabbed a notebook and one of his blue pencils. He looked up and started scribbling down the notes that the teacher had on the smart board.

"Oh, I forgot the examples for your project, I'll be right back," the teacher, Mr. Andrews said.

A scattering of "Again?" was heard loudly around the room. "Yes already, this is honors English what did you expect?" He laughs and walks out of the room.

Louis leaned forward on his desk, the end of his pencil tapping against his lower lip. "Seriously mate, I'd move if I were you,"

Louis rolled his eyes, "Point to where it says property of Harry," he points out.

Brown eyes flickered up to the front of the class, he seemed to shrink within himself and look away. Louis turned back to his notebook, suddenly the blue pencil was being yanked from his fingers. "Hey!" his voice drawled out, blue eyes lighting up.

Harry's anger disappeared as soon as his eyes came into contact with the prettiest shade of blue he's ever seen. His words died before they left his lips, he dropped the pencil back on the desk. He turned to Liam, "move,"
Liam looked completely taken aback, but he scrambled for his things and made his way to the back of the room. Harry sat down in his seat, leaned back in the chair, and propped his feet against the chair in front of him.
the girl, Amber, only giggled in her spot. Harry glanced at the guy who dared to sit in his chair.

The guy, who looked like he could fit in Harry's jean pocket. The guy, who currently was not paying any attention to him. Which, of course, was a first to Harry. Harry leaned over and tugged a strand of Louis' hair.

"What ?'' blue eyes asked, his voice with clear distaste.

"Uh, hi," Blue eyes only looks away. "I said, hi," Harry says again.

"And I'm saying bye, now shush the teacher is coming back," Louis reprimands him, before turning his whole body to the front of the class.

Harry cocks his head, but leans back into his chair. For the rest of the hour he stays there, but his eyes are more focused on this new, small framed lad, who was not giving him any form of attention.

At the end of the class, Louis is quick to grab his things. He has to find his other classroom quickly or else be late. He's the first one out of there, already making his way down a long, grey locker filled hall.

Harry makes his way out of the classroom more slower, Liam bumps into him. He mutters a quick apology but Harry stops him.

"New kid?" Harry asks, pointing to where Louis went.

"Yeah. his name is Louis and he-" Liam stops himself.

"He what?"

"Well, you know how Mr. Andrews had us do that introduction thing at the beginning of the year? Our name and something we like, I said, books, you said, Netflix and chill and everyone laughed but the teacher didn't find it that funny-"

"Get to the point,"

"He said he likes chocolate kisses," Liam mutters quickly. "So you know- yeah,"

"Do you think he's easy?" Harry questions.

Liam blushes harshly, "well, by the way he talked to you I don't-" he noticed the way Harry glared at him. "What I meant is, I mean, probably,"

Harry runs a hand through his hair, his eyes lit up with newfound interest. He ran the pad of his finger against his lower lip. He gave a dismissive way to Liam, who gladly walked away.

Harry started to go to his other class, a maths one. He didn't particularly enjoy it, but he felt pretty good about it today. He walked into it earlier than usual, much to the teachers surprise.

He spotted the familiar head of brown hair in the back, talking animatedly with two girls. He sauntered to him, the two girls were the first to look up at him. they laughed and poked each other. Louis looked up as well, and he rolled his eyes. Before Harry could say anything to him, Louis bluntly brushed past him, not even offering him a chance to speak.

"Well, fuck you too then," Harry says, maybe a little too loudly.

"Excuse me?" Louis says. And oh, Harry didn't think he'd hear him.

"What? Deaf as well as blind?"

"How am I blind?"

"Considering you walked past me without so much as a glance, yeah I'd consider you blind." Harry tells him.

Louis scoffs. "Look here, Harold-"

"It's Harry, it's not short for anything," Harry interrupts him.

"Whatever. I didn't come here for a pretty boy asshole to ruin my studies,"

"I'm pretty? That's new." Harry says. "Usually it's hot, or you know sex god."

"That! That's what you got from that sentence?" Louis rolls his eyes. "Sam was right, you are a selfcentered prick."

"Quick to judge aren't you?" Harry says.

Louis' lips part, he looks ready to say something but then he turns around and walks up to talk to the teacher. Harry groans. He turns to the girls who are still looking at him wide eyed. "I'm assuming one of you is named Sam?" the redhaired girl blushed, and her friend tugged her away.

As if she actually knew him. As if anyone in this damn school knew who he really was.


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