•the one where harry says who he is•

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You know you've read too many bad Harry fics to trust anything that comes out of the frogs mouth🤔...

Warnings: none because I'm tired and I just thought a little cuteness would make all our days better.


Louis curled in on himself and wiped away at the tears, he was so lost in trying to make the crying stop because he's a fucking boy for goodness sake, boys don't cry(as society has rattled into his brain all his life). He didn't hear the quiet reopening of his bedroom door, he didn't notice the other presence in his room until warm hands were cupping his cheeks and a lanky boy sat cross legged in front of him.

"What?" Louis asked in bewilderment. His blue eyes met those of Harry, who smiled softly. "You came back?" Came Louis' quiet whimper.

"It took me .5 seconds after slamming the door to realize that it hurts me more to see you cry than whatever words you decide to say. And that I rather be close to you as a friend then not be close to you at all," Harry wiped away the remainder of Louis' tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"I'm sorry." Louis admitted.

"What for?" Harry asked, he stood up and held out his hand for Louis to take, Louis took his hand and Harry helped him up.

"For what I said. About you not being my boyfriend, I-"

"Apology accepted. Besides, I understand, we have time to figure that out later love, just don't tell me you go around asking just any boy to kiss you and I'll be content."

"No, because you are different from most boys Harold." Louis exclaimed.

"Is that a good thing?" Harry inquired.

"Yes! You- you ask to kiss me, or you're slow in doing it and gentle like you're afraid of hurting me. Or sometimes you won't even touch me at all which brings the question if you even want me in the first place or if you're over me already. It's quite confusing but nice, it's nice to not be pressured into doing things." Louis paused for a second. He took Harry's hand in his own. "You are not my boyfriend, I don't want to label you as anything to me yet okay? Because labels are just that...labels. And what you are to me is much more than that, if that makes sense? I didn't mean to scream at you earlier I was just hurt."

"I understand Louis. And you would not believe how good those words are to my ears." Harry chuckled.

Louis smiled broadly, and just like that Harry managed to take away the pain that had been aching Louis since the day started. But- his phone lighting up on his bed brought it all back. Louis groaned and dropped Harry's hand. Harry frowned slightly at the loss of warmth.

"I just want them to leave me alone!" Louis shook his head in clear anger. Harry noticed that he was once more fighting back tears.

"I know the feeling love," Harry sighed heavily.

"Do you?" Louis asked.

"Harry Styles? You mean the guy whose slept with all the cheerleaders?"

"Stay away from him, he'll use you and throw you to the curb,"

"He's only looking for sex!"

"He's a complete asshole trust me,"

"He's even f'cked someone's mum,"

"Trust me you're better off never speaking to him,"

"He'll laugh about using you with his friends,"

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