•the one where harry is 'right'•

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Louis in the second half of this.


Detention Day 2


When Harry walked in to detention he was alone. It was ten minutes later that a sniffling Louis came in. Harry looked up at the sound of sniffling. Louis looked anywhere at him, Harry noticed his eyes darting from place to place. He also noticed that they were red, and his nose was puffy.

Louis sat at the desk farthest from him, and after a mother few minutes full of quiet hiccups the teacher came in. "Alright today you will go down to the library and organize whatever it is that the librarian needs organized."

Harry nodded. The teacher widned the door for them and Louis was the first to quickly step out.

Mr. Andrews lead them to the library where he left them in front of the librarians desk. She took one long look at them then lead her to one of the supply closets. "We got some new books so you're job is to stamp them with the schools seal. Louis will handle those boxes and you will handle these okay?"

They both nodded in understanding. They walked into the supply closet and the librarian closed it as she left. it was rather wide and dingy looking. Harry walked over to one of the boxes and quickly started unpacking.

After a long while he heard soft whimpers. Turning to Louis, he quickly rose and walked over. "Are you okay?"

Louis tried to hide his face but Harry grabbed his cheeks and made him look up. His fingertips touched wetness. Harry frowned. "You're crying, why are you crying?"

Louis jerked his head away. "What's it to you? Fuck off."

Harry's mouth became a grim line. "What's your problem? I've done nothing but try and be nice to you since you came here!"

"My problem is you! You think you're so fucking cool. What with your curly hair and green eyes, I hate everything that you are. a cocky insensitive ass. You don't think I know what'll happen? You'll use me in some game that you play. well no, not me Harry Styles so please...fuck off." Louis said through his teeth, he wiped furiously at his eyes.

"I was right wasn't I? About Zayn and what's her face." Harry countered.

Louis glared at him. Harry shrugged. "I'm not the stupid one in this situation honestly . I think that's you."

Louis shook his head. "Leave me alone."

Harry rolled his eyes. The rest of detention followed with determined loud movements.

At the end Louis waited for the okay by the teacher and walked away without so much as another word from Harry.

It's later that night Harry gets the first text message.


You were right


Detention day three


Louis was acting awfully quiet. They were back in the detentions room, told specifically to keep quiet and work on school stuff.

However, Louis was tapping away at his phone and Harry was staring at the white board.

"So...." Harry said out of nowhere. Louis only glanced up for a moment. "Did you like slap him when you figured out I wasn't lying?"

It was silent for another minute and finally, "No. I kicked him in the balls and slapped him across the face." Louis smiled faintly.

Harry chuckled. "Nice."

"Yeah. Nobody fucks me over and gets away with it." Louis sighed.

"Of course.'' Harry nodded in agreement.

Louis locked eyes with him. "I don't want to say it but I guess I have to. I'm sorry for the way I treated you, when you actually ended up being right and I figured that you weren't lying about Zayn so you're probably not lying about a lot of things. I dunno. I don't really care anymore."

Harry grinned, "Ah. Finally. After like what? 2 months you believe me. I'm so honored."

Louis rolled his eyes, "I still don't really like you and I'm still not falling for any of your shit."

"Babe. I'm not asking you to fall for me or anything."

"Good, 'cuz I won't."

"Whatever." Harry shrugged carelessly.

Louis turned back to his phone. Harry leaned back into his chair and bit his lower lip. "Could you please explain why you hate me?"

"I've told you already." Louis comments.

"It's still confusing," Harry replied.

Louis frowned, "Do you know those stories where the good person falls for the bad person? Well. I'm not gonna be the dumb good person to fall for someone who only wants to play around."

Harry turned to face Louis once more. "I'm a bad person? You're still sticking to that idea? I'm not a bad person."

"Everyone says-"

"Yeah. They say. They don't know." And at this Harry got up and walked over to Louis. "They say that I've slept with most of the girls here. they don't know that they throw themselves at me and I say no but that doesn't stop them from running their stupid mouths. I'm not a bad person and I wish you'd stop calling me that and actually get to know me. I may surprise you."

Louis was left in slight surprise at this sudden out burst. Harry gripped his chin in between his fingers. "You don't know anything Louis, and I'm sorry that you're so defensive to not want to give people a chance and instead choose to listen to irrelevant people's opinions instead of thinking for yourself."

Louis swallowed thickly, and he tried to look away but Harry held his gaze. "Do know that I am not a bad person and I would really like to try and get to know you. You are one smartmouthed, blunt, sassy, beautiful little shit that I can't help but be drawn to you."

Louis laughed, "Wow. You just won't stop will you?"

"Not really. like I said. something about you seems to draw me in." Harry leaned down, his lips a centimetre from Louis'.

Louis' lips curved up into a smile. Harry was only happy to see that there wasn't sadness hidden in Louis' eyes or tears falling down his cheeks like the day before. Louis was beautiful and Harry thinks he'd gladly do anything to keep him smiling rather than be the sad person he was earlier.

"Not so fast Styles. I'm not that easy." Louis points out, he carefully grabs Harry's hand and pushes it away, but leaves for Harry to lightly entwined their hands.

Harry laughs softly. "Now, Who would make the mistake of thinking that?"

Louis stuck out his tongue. "We'll see."

Harry stood up and smirked. "Yeah. we will."

And Harry knows how to win a heart, and he knows he can and will win Louis'.


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