•the one with Jen•

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I love this story sm. I'll update when I want, just drop some comments or votes so that I know I'm not the only one reading.


Zayn is an antagonist in this, so please do not rant about how it should be larry oriented or how z*uis is a no.

Oh and jelly Harry;)

Louis is perched snuggly on Zayn's lap. He can feel eyes boring into the back of his head, but he doesn't look back at them he already knows who they belong to. Zayn whispers something to him and Louis giggles, even though it really wasn't anything funny in the first place.

It's been a couple of weeks and they've been on three more dates. The girls all told Louis to say yes whenever Zayn asked, and of course Louis complied. He smiled innocently at them whenever they asked about his dates.

Which leads to that Wednesday in the lunchroom. Harry can visibly see Zayn's hand linger on Louis' thigh and he really wants to go over there and break every one of those fingers. Niall is eyeing him warily, "Mate, could you cool it with the glare? You look like you're ready to kill." Niall said.

"I am." Is all Harry replied coolly.

Niall frowned, "I don't understand why you're throwing a bitch fit. There's plenty of girls for you to have, and some guys too, whats so special about Louis?" He inquired.

Harry shrugged, "He's not throwing himself at my feet. He isn't just giggles and trying to be stupid he's actually smart and wise, and won't take any or my shit. He isn't scared to stand up to me too,"

Niall rolled his eyes, "Why did I ask?"

Harry scowled, "And he says he hates me? He doesn't even fucking know me. He hates the idea of me that everyone has pushed into his brain."

"Well...what are you going to do?" Niall asked.

"I'm going to make him understand, that I'm not what people say I am." Harry replied with determination.

"Alright. But, when this does work out what will you tell him then? When you know you can't let people see how f-cking whipped you are because it'll mess your balance of control that you seem to freak out over." Niall pointed out.

"We'll get to that bridge when we cross it, right now I have things to do and people to talk to," Harry stood up and started to make his way out the cafeteria, he completely averted his eyes from where Louis was.

He went and sat himself at the corner of the building outside the cafeteria. He raised his hoodie over his head, and leaned his head against his knees which he curled to himself. He needed time to think. He should just forget about Louis, Niall was right, he could honestly have anyone in this damn school. But, he wasn't just set on having Louis, it was more than that, it's about people seeing him in a light that he is not. He's sick and tired of that.

"Hey," a soft voice said. Harry glanced up. A girl with rather long black hair and a light brown complexion plopped down beside him.

"What." Harry said.

"Rude much? I just said hey," she exclaimed.

"Oh. Hi." He muttered in the same tone.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"I don't quite believe we have reached the level of friendship where you're allowed to ask me that," Harry said.

She shrugged. "True. I guess. I'm Jen."

Harry was interrupted because then a burst of laughter was coming from someone who was opening the backdoor beside where he was at. He looked at it, and instantly his fists tightened at his side's.

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