•the one where they have detention...again•

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// tbh I love you all //

I just realized I don't ever mention my snowflake I'm sorry !


"You both have detention?" Niall exclaimed.

"Yup!" Harry rolled his eyes as he slammed his locker shut. It was the end of the day and he was waiting to the very last minute until he had to be stuck in a room with Louis.

"What are you gonna do?" Niall asked.

"What d'ya mean what am I gonna do? Sit there and nothing." Harry snapped.

Niall held his hands up in defense. "I dunno mate, it's detention from what you've told me before, stuff always goes down." He pulls out his phone and sighs, "I gotta go, text me if something happens and please- be at least civil." Niall waved him off and sprinted towards the other end of the hallway where the exit doors were.

Harry slowed his walk and it was 15:15 when he finally walked into the detention room.

Louis wasn't there. Mr. Andrews was and he looked ticked off. "That's an extra ten minutes Mr. Styles." He reprimanded. Harry carelessly shrugged as he walked towards the desk and slumped down into it. It was thirty seconds later that louis walked in, he was dressed in his same clothing. He'd argued that 'the rules' were for girls, that they should change the rules first and then speak to him. He scowled slightly as Mr. Andrews repeated the phrase towards him. He sat down at the back of the room and rested his head on his arms which he placed on the desk.

"Okay, so this detention will be a bit different. It seems that I have to run somewhere so you'll be serving detention in the office-"

"Well- why didn't you tell us that as soon as we came in?" Harry interrupted.

Mr. Andrews ignored him. "Come on." He beckoned them up.

Harry muttered how pathetic and inconvenient this all was. He waited until Louis was at the front before he got up.

Mr. Andrews lead them to the office. Only one of the secretaries was there. "Ms. Adams I brought the lads, can we put them in the backroom or something?"

Harry rolled his eyes and snorted in disbelief- of all the times, now they're going to be cramped up in some backroom?

"Yeah. The old detention room is back there, I'll be here until 18:00 anyway. And mark my words I hear everything." Ms. Adams exclaimed. Louis giggled, and he tried to stifle it with the palm of his hand. Ms. Adams was in her mid 80's, she probably couldn't hear anything a foot away.

Harry stormed into the backroom before Mr. Andrews could show him. He's been in there a few times himself over the course of four years.

He heard Louis' quiet footsteps. And when he found the slightly smaller than an average classroom, he quickly sat down and looked down at his lap. He ignored the sound of Louis' footsteps as he too came in. And didn't even glance up when Mr. Andrews repeated his warnings.

When he left Harry pulled out his phone and earbuds. He discretely places the earbuds through his shirt and into his ears and placed his curly hair over them.

There was a loud clattering that startled him. He jolted back up and snatched his headphones out as he tried to locate the noise. Louis was staring forlornly at a stack of backs that were now on the floor, pages scattered all over the place.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry demanded.

"Ms. Adams said to move the books to the back closet, to make ourselves useful. You were in your own world." Louis muttered. He bent down to pick up the books. Harry exhaled heavily and stood up, he pushed Louis' hands out of the way and easily carried the stack of books.

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