•the one where brown eyes appear•

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Louis in a cheer uniform. yeah yeah


Jk not sorry.


Harry ignored Louis at school the next day actually he ignores Louis for a whole two weeks. not that Louis notices, or well he tries not to notice anyway.

It's a Friday night and Louis is with a group of girls and they're getting ready to cheer  for the football game. He keeps pulling at the tight black and gold skirt that reached barely past his thighs. The shirt was cut off and showed his tummy, it had the school's symbol on it, and was slightly loose but Louis liked the clothes. He just didn't like how he looked in them. Sam came over and began gushing about how cute and hot Louis looked in the uniform. Louis blushed and gained some confidence. It's not every day that he gets to do something he really loves, having taken gymnastics since he was five and now being able to use it in a sport. He refused to wear makeup- no matter how many times Carrie said that her eyeshadow would make his eyes completely pop with blue.

He liked his natural face thank you very much. It was ten minutes until the start of the game and people were arriving. Louis could feel judgemental stares be thrown at him but he only smiled and waved. Jumping up and down in excitement because he couldn't want to do some splits and backhand walk overs, he was really good at almost everything and he learned the routine in just a few days.

He was talking over with Marie when he felt an warm snake around his waist. Louis jumped and slapped the arm away. The action was followed by soft laughter. "Hey," a sweet voice said.

Louis looked up into the prettiest shade of brown eyes he's ever seen. "H-hi," he stuttered out.

"You're new here aren't you?" Brown eyes asked, his eyes moved slowly down Louis' body, and Louis blushed darkly.

"Y-yes, I'm Louis, what's your name?" Louis knew he would have recognized these gorgeous brown eyes somewhere, but he's never seen this boy until today.

"I'm Zayn babe, want to grab some pizza after the game?" He asked, Louis bit his lower lip, and slowly his shy demeanor crept back. He didn't say anything and that's when Marie spoke up, she flipped her long blonde hair behind her and excitedly nodded.

"He'd love to! Right Lou?" And she nudged him, and Louis nodded wordlessly.

Zayn smiled softly, "Alright love, wait for me by the corner of the field after the game okay?" And Louis nodded again. Zayn winked and ran back to his teammates.

Soon Louis was being swarmed by his teammates. "Did Zayn Malik just ask you out? What the actual f-ck . I've been trying to get his attention for three years and you're here basically three days and already have a date with the sweetest and hottest guy at this school." Was basically heard over and over in a dozen different voices.

Louis shrugged, but he was happy. These girls said Zayn was sweet, maybe it wouldn't turn out so bad at all. Their coach called the whistle and they went into formation, when Louis looked up into the stands, his eyes met a rigid green of a boy leaning over the railing staring directly at him, clear anger on his. face. Louis shook off the vibes and plastered a happy face.

Harry walked away from the railing and towards where Niall was seated. "Tough luck," was all that Niall said, he'd seen everything happen, he's known about Harry's sort of infatuation with Louis since it started ever since Louis sat in his desk that first day. In less than a week it's gotten so bad that every time Harry mentions Louis Niall feels like punching him in the face and telling him to shut up.

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