•the one where words are exchanged•

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I shall be attending the University of Michigan this fall as a freshman, how about you?(cries bc I wrote giving in as I was going into 11th grade and now I'm a freshie😭)

Yo. I just wanted to say, I'm not a professional writer or anything. I try my best is all. Okay?

Comment and vote!



"Liam. You can't say shit or I swear." Louis stated.

Liam only shook his head. "Why are you lying to Harry? I don't understand I thought- I thought you liked him."

"You don't understand." Louis sighed out.

Liam wrinkled his nose in slight disgust, his usual warm brown eyes became cold. "What? That he's been trying all year to finally get your attention and when he does and becomes the happiest I've seen him since freshman started its all because you're lying to him?"

"He's lying to me!" Louis yelled. "He's probably playing me as well. You just gotta be one step ahead of the game and that's what I'm doing. Everyone says he's a fuckboy he's the one who says he isn't, he's lying."

"No, Lou. The only one lying here is you. You probably haven't seen the way Harry's changed because you just came here but trust me, everyone else can see it. They can see the way he fucking looks at you like you're the most precious thing in the world. And girls- and guys hate you for it which is why they probably said that shit about him in the first place. So no. You're the lying shit in this. And Harry deserves better."

Louis stepped back, his mouth parting open in shock from having Liam speak to him like this. "If you don't tell him. I will." And Liam gave him one long look before shaking his head. "I can't believe you'd do this. And if anything, Zayn is probably the one fuxking you over." And Liam left.

Louis stayed still for another second. He left the bathroom and grabbed his things from his locker. He told the office that he felt terribly sick so he went home. He wasn't lying on that part. He felt sick, and tired, not knowing what to believe.


"I like you," Harry mumbled into Louis' ear early one morning the following week. Harry once more had red tinted cheeks and life to his eyes, he resembled nothing to the sick in bed ridden Harry that Louis was with for four days.

"I like me too," Louis smiled warmly at him. And Harry reached out and took Louis' hands within his. Louis gasped softly as Harry pulled him towards his chest.

"No, what I mean is. I really like you." Harry mumbled lowly. "Like a lot...like- I think I-"

"Harry...don't. Please don't say it." Louis tried to push him away.

"Why? What's so wrong if I said it?" Harry demanded softly.

"Because- because this- us- we have barely been together two months. That's too fast to even think that's possible. I like you too Harry, and I know you like me. Otherwise we wouldn't be here in this room." Louis sighed heavily, and that's when Harry grabbed his cheeks within his own hands.

"No, love. I knew I liked you when I walked into class the first day and saw a stunningly beautiful person in my seat who wasn't taking any of my shit. And every day after that I knew i liked you even more because of the person that you are. and that person is a sweet, caring, dorky, funny, beautiful, and intelligent guy that I am beyond lucky to have by my side, even if it took a while. You can't tell me what I feel, I know what I feel. I know what I feel when I see you smile and duck your head when you're embarrassed, or when you try to act all tough as shit when really you're a tiny bean that I wish to protect for now and always. I know what I feel Lou, and it is much more than simply like." Harry kissed Louis on the cheek.

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