•the one where things slowly begin to be okay•

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I have decided, not to drag out this story.

5 chapters left? At most?

I dunno if u noticed but I don't really plan my stories out🙂. (I know I should)

(I just don't feel like it)

Love you. And thank you for reading.
Zayn in this fic:

Zayn in this fic:

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"Where, when, why and how?" Louis demanded.

Liam was sitting cross legged on Louis' bed, Harry was lounging on Louis' chair by his desk with the same look of utter bewilderment ever since Louis explained what had happened.

Liam twiddled around with his fingers and wouldn't look up for a long time. "My place, two hours ago, I don't know why and he did it out of nowhere. Ask Niall, he was there. One minute I was telling him off, the next minute he kissed me, for a second, just- just a bare touch of his lips against mine." Liam finally explained.

"Why was he over at your place anyway?" Louis demanded.

"I don't know!" Liam yelled and he abruptly stood up.

Louis took a deep breath. "Alright, calm down yeah? I mean, it's not like it meant anything I mean. Zayn's the biggest piece of shit out there Liam."

Liam bit his lower lip, "Yeah..."

"Unless you like him," Louis added on. "Do you?" Liam frowned a bit, but he didn't reply. "LIAM!"

"Will you stop yelling at me?" Liam whispered. "You're acting like its some petty crush of a few months, I've liked him since 9th grade!" Liam slapped a hand over his mouth in shock. "Wait-"

"What?" Louis muttered in bewilderment.

"Uh- yeah okay. But, he wasn't always this mean. I mean, not until Harry messed up." Liam tried to explain.

"Hey, don't bring me into this. What happened occurred 4 years ago. He should have gotten over it." Harry established from where he was.

Liam shook his head, "what happened?" Louis questioned.

Liam looked taken aback, "He hasn't told you?" He shot back.

"Hey! We are mad at Zayn here! Not me." Harry exclaimed.

Liam ignored him, "In 9th grade Harry and Zayn were really close. I mean, joined at the hip kind of close. To everyone, it was basically that, if you saw Harry, Zayn would be a few steps away. Anyway, it was easy to see that Zayn had a huge crush on Harry. everyone, and I mean, everyone could see that. Well, we were stupid freshman, so Zayn got the courage to uh, ask Harry out, in front of basically the whole school, during one of the footie games. And well..." Liam paused for a second, "Harry turned him down. But, I guess turned him down would be putting it lightly. He ridiculed him, said he wouldn't ever go out with a guy, especially not Zayn. That they were just friends and Zayn was dumb to think anything would change that. Keep in mind that we were really, really stupid freshman. Harry, he uh..." Liam glanced at Harry who shook his head and stood up.

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