•the one where people arent who they seem to be•

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uhhhhh ((I'll change the title later))

•the one where Harry is right...again•

Don't hate me?

Also, people aren't who they seem.

Warnings: um okay you can't hate me? Please? But uh, ugh, I dunno how to describe it...slight, jUST SLIGHT mention of noncon moments, noTHING BIG HAPPENS, Okay? Like, it's just a slight mention.

Love you! 100+ votes, 100+ comments babeeessss.


Louis woke up and walked downstairs to see his mum making breakfast. "Morning!" He mumbled, and he yawned seeing as he was still slightly sleepy.

"Morning Lou, mind telling me why I was startled awake at 12 am to Harry slamming the front door shut?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Louis shied away from her and grabbed a plate to serve himself a few of the several pancakes she had waiting on a platter.

"Uh-huh. I know I work that much and so does your father but we aren't exactly deaf hon." She continued. "Now what happened? He seemed quite angry."

"Nothing, nothing important anyway." He chewed slowly and tried to avoid her eyes.

"Alright Lou, you sure?" And her warm voice kind of got to Louis. He sighed heavily and frowned.

"It's hard to explain mum." He confided. "It's really hard to explain. I messed up badly and now I'm paying the consequences and I don't want to talk about it," he finished off the plate and his mum didn't press on. After his third pancake, his mum came over and ran her hand softly over his hair.

"Okay, I understand. I'm here, I'll listen," and she hugged him.

"Thanks- um, I'm going out later tonight. Maybe, if I can convince my friend to go." Louis told her.

"Alright, be safe and I won't be back until past midnight, late shift at the hospital tonight. Your father is leaving on a business trip tonight as well. I'll leave some dinner for you in the fridge."

"Okay! Thanks!" Louis stood up and walked over to the sink, he washed his plate. "I'm going to change then head over to Liam's."

"Oh, is he who you're going to hang out with later?" His mom inquired.


"Is it Harry?" And right she didn't know about their fallout.

"No," he said more slowly.

"Zayn?" She asked.

"Hell no." Louis exclaimed in annoyance.

"Then?" And her eyebrows quirked up in confusion.

"A friend, named Zach. We are going to hang out, okay I really have to get going." Louis stated, and he turned to run upstairs to change.

"Make good choices!" His mum shouted after him.

"Yeah..." He whispered.


Harry was lying on his couch staring up at the ceiling. His mum has been walking past him for the whole day demanding to know why he wasn't out and about doing anything.

"Why don't you call up Louis? I haven't seen him in a while? How is he?" His mum pestered.

Harry rolled his eyes and kept ignoring her. She threw her hands up in exasperation and left him alone after that. It wasn't until Niall came running into the room and almost onto him at half past five that Harry moved.

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