Chapter 1

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I was being chased by a griever and I passed many of my friends, but whenever I passed one the griever would kill them. My body was being controlled so I couldn't react or fight back, all I could do was run.

Then the scene changed, I was in the classroom again. It was the same memory I had in the Glade – I was being taken from my friends and family. But this time one sentence stood out to me.

"But don't worry, we aren't going to do the scorch trials."

What did that mean? Why did it stand out? Why did everything feel wrong and out of place?

I started to worry and I couldn't do anything and then I heard a familiar voice calling my name.


I couldn't do anything


I sat up gasping for air. I looked at my surroundings and realised that I was in a room and the voice belonged to Teresa.

"You started freaking out in your sleep so I woke you up." Teresa said.

"Thanks," I mumbled while heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

After 10 minutes of washing my hands and face, brushing my teeth and brushing my hair I walked back into the room to find Teresa on my bed.

I sat down next to her and I noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing," She replied.

"Come on, your my best friend, I know when something's wrong." I said.

"Ok. I was talking to Thomas last night telepathically when things in my mind started to go all weird. I told Thomas that something was wrong but he told me not to worry and now I can't speak to him." She admitted.

"I have a feeling something's wrong too, but we'll just have to wait and see." I reassured her.

"Now go have a shower, you smell like klunk." I said.

Teresa went into the bathroom and started to have a shower. I started to explore the room, there was nothing exciting except two windows and a chest of draws with spare clothes in. When I saw the door I thought of the boys and decided to go see if they were ok.

But when I tried to open the door I found that it was locked. I tried to break it down but it wouldn't budge. They must have locked it for 'safety reasons'.

After that I sat on my bed patiently waiting for Teresa but I hated being bored so I had to do something to preoccupy myself. I found a pen and drew a hand family, I started to be really immature and play families with my finger – I was bored, don't judge.

Suddenly there was banging on the door, I assumed it was Newt and the others so I let them try and break down the door. This went on for a few minutes so I started playing finger families again.

Finally the door was broken but I was surprised when about 25 burst through the door with confused expressions on their faces.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Who are you? A girl with dreadlocks asked, I could tell she was the leader.

"I asked you first, where are Newt and the rest of the Gladers." I shot back.

"There are a lot more of us and what did you do with Aris?" The girl said

"Fine but wait until my friend Teresa comes out of the shower." I said.

As if on cue Teresa came out of the shower with a fresh pair of clothes on. She did a double take when she saw all of the girls in the room.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Now tell us what's going on," A girl with blonde hair said.

I explained all about the maze, how I was the first girl and Teresa was the last one to come up and the only other girl. I explained all of the functions of the Glade, all about our jobs. Finally I explained about our escape and everyone who died along the way.

Once I had finished explaining it all they all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"That's exactly the same as us except ours was a maze full of girls and only one boy who came at the end." The leader said.

They had escaped a few days ago and were just waiting here for the time being and some kid named Aris was in this room before. They said that they had a Gally, her name was Beth and she too killed. But instead of killing the youngest Glader she killed the one who found the way out (Rachel) our maze's Thomas. Rachel had survived a night in the maze but it was the keeper of the runners who was stung and died during the griever attacks.

They explained that they needed someone to take over the job of the Keeper. They showed me who the new Keeper was and when she stepped forward I let out a gasp and I heard Teresa gasp too.

"What?" The Keeper asked.

"You're.....'re.... Fff...fffr..Frankie." I stuttered.

"How did you know that?" The leader demanded.

"I had memories when I was in the Glade and you and two other girls were in them. We were in the same class at school before we were sent into the maze." I managed to get out.

"Who were the other girls?" The girl with blonde hair asked.

"Maria and Amelia." I replied.

There were a few gasps from everyone else and soon I recognised the two girls who came to the front of the crowd. There in front of me was Amelia, Maria and Frankie.

I was about to say something when the leader and the blonde stepped forward.

"I'm Harriet and this is my second in command Sonya," The leader spoke while pointing to the blonde.

"I'm Lara and this is Teresa." I introduced.

So many questions were filling my mind, I felt like a Greenie all over again but before I could ask any questions Frankie spoke up.

"H, what's that on your back?"

Harriet pulled down her top and it revealed a tattoo which said:

Subject B2 The Survivor

Soon the whole room burst into chaos and everyone was trying to get a look at each other's tattoos.

Only some had a label next to them and that included me, Teresa, Harriet, Sonya, Maria, Frankie and Amelia.

Teresa's said:

Subject A1 The Betrayer

Why the betrayer?

Maria's said:

Subject B7 The Eyes

Amelia's said:

Subject B9 The Inspiration

Frankie's said:

Subject B5 The Light

Sonya's said:

Subject B3 The Protector

And then there was mine, after I found out mine I just sat in the corner of the room thinking about my tattoo while everyone else was busy looking at theirs. The only thing on my mind was my label what whoever put this on me thought of me.

Subject AB12 The Mistake

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