Chapter 9

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We headed into the town, making sure to avoid Cranks and not take their territory. We finally found a building that was small – but not too small yet close to the direction the boys were coming from. We placed all of our things in the upstairs of the building. I didn't know what we were going to do if we saw the boys, I just hope they didn't think Teresa and I betrayed them.

By now all of the water was gone and everyone wheezed when they spoke. We had finished off the rest of the food when we arrived here last night so now everyone was a little hungry but at least it wasn't as bad as when we were locked inside the hall a few nights ago.

We needed supplies so Teresa sent out a search team to look for food, water, clothes and weapons. That search team consisted of me, Teresa, Sonya, Frankie, Amelia and Maria. She left Harriet in charge of the girls at the building and be prepared in case Cranks decided to attack.

We left the girls at mid-afternoon hoping to return the following day. We had been walking around the town but it was hard not to bump into any Cranks. If we ever encountered a large group them we would be doomed – Outnumbered, weapon less and weak. But of course it just had to happen.

It was a group of about 15, of all different ages from a girl our age to a man in his 40's. We stood there like deer in headlights but I noticed that the Cranks weren't approaching us and they didn't look too ill. One of the men started to approach us but their leader stopped him and beckoned us over.

Teresa held out her hand to signal for us to stop and was about to speak. I knew she was about to make some stupid and sarcastic remark so I stopped her by walking towards them and sticking my arm out for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Lara." I introduced and I introduced the other girls.

"What are you doing here?" The leader said getting to the point.

"We're looking for supplies sir." I replied.

"Well you're out of luck because we're going to kill you." Said the girl around our age. At this I gulped and looked back to my friends for help but none of them were showing any signs of coming to help any time soon.

"Now, now Brenda. Why don't we find out more about these lovely girls before we make any rash decisions?" The man said calmly – too calmly.

"Sorry about her. My name's Jorge." He introduced. I shook his hand and I explained everything to him, starting from the moment I was in the box heading into the made. Half an hour later I was finished explaining and a lot of the group looked bored except Brenda and Jorge.

"So, what are you going to do to us?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness.

Jorge replied by laughing, maybe this man is more of a Crank than I thought. But from Brenda all I was getting was a harsh glare.

"W-what are you laughing about?" I stuttered.

"He's going to let you go and show you where there is some supplies." Brenda replied obviously annoyed.

And surprisingly Jorge did tell us where there were some supplies. At an abandoned supermarket, I thanked him and was about to ask him questions about the world but he was already walking away, everyone else following him.

We walked to the supermarket and found so many supplies – food, water and clothing. It was hard to carry so much but if we wanted to survive out here we need the strength. Speaking of strength, we refuelled and rested for the night before heading back to the girls.

It was a long journey back and we encountered a few stray Cranks but we were able to fight them off now we were stronger.

When we got back, the girls looked dreadful and apparently we lost one, a girls I hadn't really spoken to. When they saw us with all of the supplies they jumped up and devoured the food and drink.

Soon we were full and replenished but no one had any idea what we were going to do next. So we all looked toward Teresa.

"Next we look for weapons."

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