Chapter 2

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It had been a while since we found out that we had tattoos, and none of us know how they got there. Teresa and I had been talking to the other girls but mainly Harriet, Sonya, Frankie, Amelia and Maria.

Now we all decided to go back to the girls' room as it was bigger. But as we tried to open the door an alarm sounded. It was the all too familiar sound of the box when there was a new Greenie.

"Maybe they bringing us someone to replace Rachel," One of the girls suggested but I don't think it went down well with people because a few seconds later I heard a grunt of pain.

The alarm went on for about 5 minutes when the lights went off, everything was pitch black. I heard a few screams from people but they were soon hushed by Harriet.

Finally the alarm stopped and we were able to break down the door but when we stepped into the corridor it was still pitch black. As soon as we entered the corridor I started gagging, there was an awful smell.

"What's that smell?" I heard Amelia say.

"I don't know but keep moving and try to find the light switch." Sonya shouted.

We were walking for a few minutes when Frankie let out a grunt of pain.

"Who put that table there?" She exclaimed.

"Just keep looking for the stick light switch." Harriet said.

"Stick?" I questioned.

"We'll tell you later stick – AHA, I found it." Sonya shouted and turned on the lights.

But now I wish she didn't, above us were the people who saved us but they weren't alive. They were strung up and their rotting bodies were letting off the most awful smell, I even heard a few girls throwing up. The bodies looked like they had been there for days.

"They're the people who saved us, but how could they get there in such a short amount of time? And why do they smell like they've been rotting for days?" Maria asked.

"I don't know but we should get to the room, this smell is making me gag." Teresa stated.

We followed Frankie to the room and once everyone was in we shut the door to keep the smell out. But once we were in the room things got even stranger.

The windows had bricks in place of glass and it looked solid. Sonya pushed against the bricks and they were solid and cemented. It looked like the wall had been there for days but the girls had only been out of the room for an hour at the most.

Everyone was murmuring and it took Harriet a few attempts to quieten everyone down. She suggested that we check mine and Teresa's room to see if anything is different there. But when we tried to open the door it was locked yet again. It seemed like things were repeating themselves and it was annoying.

We found a fire extinguisher and used it to break down the door but things got even more impossible. All of the bodies were gone and there was no trace of the putrid smell anywhere.

Nothing different happened to mine and Teresa's room and nothing else weird happened for the rest of the day.

The next day everyone had started to become hungry. No one gave us any food or water but luckily the water in the tap was drinkable so we were able to cure our thirst.

There was little talk as everyone wanted to save their energy but I found that I hated being bored. It was almost if I feared it. Whenever I got bored I would start thinking of dark and dangerous things that could happen – not just to us but Newt and all of the other boy Gladers. So every now and then I would strike up a conversation with people.

I got to know more about Amelia, Maria and Frankie. Maria was the Keeper of the Med-Jacks, Frankie was a runner and when the Keeper died she took over the job as Keeper and Amelia was Keeper of the Gardens, she was also the one everyone looked up to, that explained her tattoo label. I also found out that they had their own slang, they explained the meaning of theirs and I explained the meaning of ours. I found it really interesting to hear about the adventures of their Glade, it was so similar.

At the minute I was in a conversation with Sonya, talking about the council we had and about all of our Keepers. Our main topic was Gally and Beth and how they were so similar. But when we were talking I kept getting distracted, something about her seemed so familiar but I couldn't work out what it was. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she spoke two words.

"Bloody annoying."

"Say that again," I said.

"Bloody annoying?" She repeated.

It was then I noticed she had an accent, and it was quite strong too. It sounded so much like Newt. Then I looked at Sonya a bit more closely, she looked a lot like Newt too.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"Around 15 or 16 I think. Why?" She replied.

"You have a twin." I stated.

Now everyone was listening to our conversation, I told them about the similarities they both had and they were both around the same age. Teresa agreed with me that they were twins and everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Is this Newt guy cute?" Some piped up.

"Yea are any of the guys cute?" Another asked.

"Some of them are cute but Newt's taken, sorry." I replied.

"By who?" Sonya asked, obviously this is where sibling protection kicked in.

"Me." I said confidently. It looked like Sonya approved because she began nodding her head.

Soon the conversation was finished because everyone was too hungry and too tired. Although I did get a few girls asking about the boys and it was really awkward saying who was cute and who wasn't.

A few days passed and there was still no food, we could barely move. The only times we ever moved as to get a drink or go to the bathroom. During this time I mostly slept to occupy the time and so I wouldn't be bored.

But I didn't get it – why would they save us then leave us to starve. They told the girls that we were important, if we that important why leave us to starve?

It was getting unbearable now and because of my lack of protein my wounds from the escape won't close and heal. It hurt to talk let alone move. So when someone came in shouting I inwardly screamed in pain but I managed to listen to the words and they gave me a boost of energy to get up and run.


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