Chapter 22

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Everyone was sat in a circle – all 32 of us. On one side of me was Newt and on the other side was Thomas; opposite me was Frankie, Maria and Amelia. And amazingly Teresa and Brenda were sitting next to each other, I never thought I would see that happen.

"Ok, so does everyone understand?" I asked after explaining the rules. In reply I got a few nods and some eager faces.

"Who's going first?" Minho asked.

Before I could reply Newt piped up. "I'll go first."

I didn't mind that he wanted a go, I wanted a go and I'm not usually the jealous type – I don't think so anyway.

He span the bottle and it landed on the worst person it could have landed on – Sonya.

"Wait. Newt you can't do that."

"Someone's jealous." Minho hooted.

"No I'm really not but you seriously can't kiss her." I said.

"L, don't worry it's not like I'm going to enjoy it." He said with a wink.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, at least I wasn't the one about to kiss my sister. I looked to Sonya and she had a panicked expression on her face. She was trying to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

All of a sudden she found her voice and said, "You're my twin brother."

There were a few gasps from the boys (the girls already knew) and Newt did a double take.

"Lara you knew?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but she asked me not to tell anyone." I replied.

"How do you know it's true?" He asked.

"Ava Paige confirmed it." Sonya spoke up and I realised she had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I forgot." Newt said to her and he too had tears in his eyes. They gave each other a big hug and it brought tears to my eyes, he was reunited with his twin. Something we all would do anything for.

"I'm going to sit with my sister L, that ok?" He asked. And I replied with an of course.

After that we carried on with the game, now it was Amelia's go. I was curious as to it would land on, I never did find out who she liked or thought was cute. She spun the bottle at it landed on Frypan.

I never thought of them two pairing up but it seemed like a good match. Amelia shrugged and went over to Frypan, she kissed him and her expression had completely changed. From 'whatever' to 'WOW'. Everyone started laughing as Frypan was sitting there shell shocked.

Next was Minho's go. I knew who I wanted it to land on – Frankie. As the bottle was spinning I was internally chanting 'Frankie. Frankie'. When the bottle stopped I couldn't believe it – it actually landed on Frankie, fate was definitely on their side.

It was so awkward watching Minho walk over and try to kiss her, instead they ending up head butting each other. I was rolling on the floor laughing, tears coming out of my eyes but I was able to see them kiss properly. And to make it even better Minho asked Frankie out and she said yes. I was so happy for them but I was worried at the same time – we still didn't know what the safe haven was meant to be.

It was Marias go and I saw that ever since Aris turned up she was really quiet and keeping to herself. As she spun the bottle I could she her gaze glued to the bottle and only when it stopped did she look up to see who it landed on. Her face when pale when she saw who it was – Aris.

She wasn't doing anything and she looked like she was going to burst into tears. I was about to say to move on but then Aris got up and kissed her. And kept on kissing her. After a long time they had stopped kissing and Aris was whispering into her ear. She had many expressions on her face during the time, she blushed, looked sad and at the end she looked elated.

"Everyone I would like to introduce my new girlfriend, Maria." Aris announced. Everyone was cheering for them but again I was worried as to what might happen.

We decided to have one final go before it would be time to look for a better safe haven. That go went to Thomas.

He span the bottle but it landed in between two people and of course those two people had to be Brenda and Teresa.

I burst out laughing which earned me a glare from Thomas, Teresa and Brenda but everyone else joined in with me.

"You're bloody lucky, shank. You get to choose out of the two." Newt said.

Thomas was taking forever to choose and I swear I could even see sweat trickling down his face.

"Thomas, the safe haven opens in an hour. We don't have all day." I said.

He walked over towards the two girls. Teresa knew what was going to happen so she looked down at her lap and played with her fingers to hide the humiliation that was about to happen to her. But to her surprise Thomas lifted her chin up and kissed her.

People were cheering but I'm sure that my cheers were the loudest as all along I've shipped Thomesa.

Thomas walked back with a smile on his face and sat back down next to me.

"You were right. All I had to do was forgive her."

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