Chapter 10

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The next day was the day we looked for weapons, we knew the boys had to be nearby now so we needed to find weapons if we wanted to have an advantage over them. There is a part of me who wants to leave Teresa but the more dominant side of me says that I should stay. After all I couldn't leave the girls with Teresa and I was a little selfish – who knows what W.I.C.K.E.D would do to me.

Teresa and I had been looking around for weapons for hours, but there wasn't a sign of a single weapon. We had given up and started walking back. As we were walking back I noticed that Teresa was kept opening and closing her mouth – like she wanted to say something. I decided to ignore it at first but she kept doing it and it was annoying me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

Again she looked like she was going to say something but instead collapsed to the floor clutching her head. I rushed over to help her but I couldn't do anything to help. She looked as if she was in pain and I desperately wanted to help but nothing helped. Finally after a few minutes she just stood up as if everything was fine, the pain had just gone. It's like what happens to me when I remember things but the more I think about it, the more confused I get.

"Are you ok? What were you going to say? Do you need to rest? When we get back do you want me to keep an eye on the girls while you rest?" I asked in a rush.

The first reply I got was a scoff and I have to admit, that was the last thing I expected. I expected her to be stubborn and say she didn't need to rest but be polite at the same time and say something like 'but thanks for asking'. But no all I got was a really rude scoff.

"I should have known. This was your plan all along – to try and become the leader. But that will never happen Lara, you're just a nobody to them." Teresa spat. I was taken aback, I didn't even want to lead the girls. All I was doing was asking if she was alright.

We walked back to the building in complete silence, I was too scared to look at her. That wasn't my best friend, that was a monster. I guess the scorch really did change her.

When we got back to the building I could hear all of the girls talking and laughing. They all sound happy something I haven't seen in anyone for a long time. But of course Teresa had to ruin it.

"Shut it you sticks. You're giving our location away, we could bloody hear you from down here." Teresa shouted up the stairs. I winced at the use of the word bloody – it reminded me so much of Newt. Teresa noticed this and a look flashed across her face, it was one that I had seen on certain occasions but I couldn't make out what the look was.

Teresa headed up the stairs and I went to follow suit but suddenly the board beneath me collapsed and I fell through the floor. Luckily I managed to grab hold of another floor board before I completely fell.

I heard a few questions from the girls asking what had happened but Teresa ignored them and rushed straight over to me. She tried to help me so much and was asking if I was ok. In reply I just smiled, this was my best friend but then I frowned and thought, how long is this side of my best friend going to be here?

It was no use, Teresa couldn't pull me up and none of the girls would come any closer in case the floor beneath gave way like it did to me. I was slipping and I could be falling to my death.

And just like that I fell, screaming as I fell but abruptly stopped when I suddenly came into contact with something. It wasn't even a far drop, I landed on a pile of clothes and some cans of food.

I was about to call up to Teresa when I realised. Food? Clothes? We never knew this was here, this could be where we get our supplies from now on.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Teresa shout.

"Lara? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. But you might want to come down here – and bring a torch." I shouted back.

I wanted to start to look around to see if I could find anything useful. But as I went to take a step forward I stumbled and fell to them ground. I must have cut myself on something sharp because there was an agonising pain in my hand and I could feel liquid dripping down it – obviously blood.

I reached down to see what I had tripped over and did a double take when I realised what it was. It was and arrow and it was attached to a bow.

"Move out the way I'm coming down." Teresa yelled down. I moved out the way and waited for her to jump.

When I heard the thump I spoke quickly and I was surprised she could understand me.

"Turn your torch on, I think I found some weapons."

She immediately turned on her torch and I gasped when I saw what was around me.

It was a large room filled with many supplies: Food, water, clothes and most importantly weapons. And luckily it looked like there was enough for each of us.

"Jackpot." I heard Teresa mutter under her breath.

"Amelia come here and help us a minute." I shouted up. I chose Amelia because I wanted to get to know her more, she was very quiet and I hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet. I also chose her because I knew that she Keeper of the Gardens so she should be strong at carrying this equipment.

She soon arrived and her eyes went wide when she saw everything in the room.

"Help us bring all of the weapons up to the rest of the girls." Teresa told Amelia and she did as she was told.

The first time we went up we carried two weapons each and when we made it up to the girls they started questioning us. But they were soon hushed by Teresa.

Soon we had brought all of the weapons up, they included: Bow and arrows, Crossbows, Knives and Swords.

Everyone got given either a Crossbow or Bow and arrow and we each got a Sword or Knife to keep in our pocket for emergencies. I was given a Bow and Arrow and two knives as there was two spare. Teresa had a Sword and a Knife but as there was one spear she got that because she was the supposed leader.

When I thought back to me accidently stumbling across the weapons it made me smile, I was able to get three good things out of it: Weapons, a part of the old Teresa back and I was able to find out more about Amelia.

She was very good at art and would spend time before she went to bed drawing objects and focusing on the little details. I loved hearing about it, she seemed happier when she spoke about the Glade. I also found out that Beth was her best friend and it was heart-breaking that she had to leave her behind. I always wondered why she was so quiet but it was only because she lost one of the people she trusts the most. If I lost Newt I wouldn't speak for days so I looked up to her.

It was early afternoon now and we were about to get the food supplies from downstairs but all of a sudden I heard Frankie shout something and pointing to the window.

"What's that?"

I looked and not too far away was a group of people. At first I thought it was a group of Cranks but then something caught my eye.

It was a boy and he had sandy blonde hair and next to him was a muscly boy with jet black hair. Then it all came together –

It was the boys.

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