Chapter 13

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It felt like the screams were in my skull, pounding to get out – they were coming from everywhere. I frantically looked around to see if everyone was alright. So far I didn't see anyone hurt. The town was so close so if we ran then we could make it to a building quickly.

It seemed as if Teresa had the same thought too as she shouted, "Everyone run for the town, dodge the lightning."

Then it seemed as if everything from then on went in slow motion. There were more lightning strikes and they came down harder and quicker than ever.

There were even more screams now both male and female.

Wait. Male? Could it be the boys?

I whipped my head around and saw that it was in fact the boys. They too were struggling to get away from the lightning, I could see Newt struggling to keep up but Thomas and Minho were helping him. Then one of the lightning struck and hit Winston. The whole group stopped and crowded round him, but they needed to get going – and quick because the storm was getting worse. Suddenly it sounded like Frypan was shouting and crying at the same time. Then they all started to walk away but behind them was a body and it wasn't moving. I looked more closely and gasped when I realised who it was – Winston. I felt tears streaming down my face but I didn't have time to grieve as I was being pulled away by Teresa.

We ran and ran until we were so close to the town. If we kept running like this then we should be at the town in less than a minute, but that's when it got even worse.

I heard a scream from the front of the group, people stopped to try and help but if we stayed here we'd all end up like the girl. I felt so heartless but I had to say it, "Come on, we gotta go. I'm sorry but we have to leave her."

The girls listened and we ran off leaving the girl I didn't recognise behind. A few of us had been struck but not in a life threatening way, just injured.

I could see the boys a little bit behind us and it looked like they hadn't lost anyone else and I was so thankful.

We ran to the closest building when we got to the town. Teresa and I stood by the door pushing everyone in. I was about to go in when I heard a scream. An all too familiar scream of a certain male.


I panic and start to shake, I need to help him but I can't risk my life. Teresa starts to pull me into the building but I resist. I realise I'm being selfish so I rip my arm out of Teresa's grip and run to where the sound was coming from.

I see Minho on the floor but I can't tell if he's breathing or not. I start to run over as none of the boys have noticed me approaching but I'm pulled away.

"Come back, you're going to get hurt." Teresa shouted over the noise of the storm.


"I might not care about the boys but I care about you, you're my best friend. Now come on or you'll get us both killed." She replied.

"You go back. I'll be alright." I tried to reassure her but she was stubborn and wouldn't let me go and help.

I could barely see Minho now because all of the boys had crowded around him. But I could see that some of his clothes were on fire and he was rolling around trying to stop the fire. Suddenly he stopped moving and I couldn't see him anymore. I was frozen and my first instinct was to run over there.

Teresa had other plans as she started dragging me back to the building. I kept resisting and resisting until finally Teresa just let go. I was shocked, she just started walking away and said, "Fine. It's your fault if you die."

I was about to start walking toward the boys but instead I let out an agonising scream and I felt the hot bolts of electricity go through my spine. I was losing consciousness quick but I was still cautious of my surroundings for now.

"Lara?" I heard Teresa gasp and she ran over to me and picked me up, carrying me back to the building.

But when her hand came in contact with my body I let out another agonising scream. I was losing consciousness by the second and black dots were blurring my vision. I couldn't make out anything and I couldn't focus on anything.

But the next thing I heard, I was sure I heard it.

"LARA!" It was a British accent – the one I've grown to know and love. Newt.

That was the last thing I heard before I got a shooting pain pounding in my skull. I felt so weak, I didn't have the strength to do anything but it was another song. Somehow I found the strength to remember all of the lyrics and take them into meaning.

And another one bites the dust
Oh why can I not conquer love
And I might have thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah let's be clear, I'll trust no one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubberband until you pull too hard
I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
'Cos I've got an elastic heart

And I will stay up through the night
Let's be clear, won't close my eyes
And I know that I can survive
I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad
I'm doing everything I can
Then another one bites the dust
It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubberband until you pull too hard
I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
'Cos I've got an elastic heart

That was the last thing I heard before I fully blacked out. 

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