Chapter 12

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I was woken up by Flo tossing and turning in her sleep. I sat up and looked around, Teresa was the only one awake and it was only just starting to become light.

I looked back at Flo but this time she had tears streaming down her face and she was starting to hyperventilate. I felt so bad watching her like this so I decided to wake her up before she woke anybody else up.

I started by gently tapping her on the arm but that didn't help. Then I started to gently shake her and I heard Teresa scoff at that. I didn't see her trying to help.

"She's obviously having a nightmare. So you need to use more force to wake her up." Teresa said.

Using Teresa's advice, I started to shake Flo until she woke up. Finally she woke up but she started screaming at the top of her lungs. She woke up the rest of the girls and I wouldn't be surprised if she woke the boys up too.

Soon I was able to calm her down and get her to stop screaming. Once she stopped screaming, she looked directly into my eyes. Her wide, brown eyes started filling up with tears and suddenly se embraced me in a hug.

I hugged her back and I could feel the tears in my eyes. She was too young for this and she couldn't handle it – it was killing her inside.

"Shhhh, Shhhhh. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her and I could feel her head nod in reply.

"It-it wwas a memory. My mum was the one who put me and my brother in the maze. She watched as her employees took my brother and I's memories. And then she watched my brother die. In fact I think she wanted him to die." She blurted out and started crying even harder.

"It's ok, don't worry." I try to console her. I had never had a memory as bad as that.

"My mum is Ava Paige and my brother is a boy named Chuck." She managed to get out. I was shocked and had to do a double take. Flo and Chuck were siblings and their mum was Ava Paige. It didn't make sense, why would Ava send her skill her son. What kind of sick person would care more about an experiment than their own children?

"Don't worry, I'll make sure Ava doesn't kill you. I promise. And I'll get revenge on her for killing Chuck." I told Flo.

"Thank you." I heard her say.

"Well now that everyone's up we should get going." Teresa interrupted

"But it's still dark." Amelia said.

"No, it's actually pretty late. There's just really dark clouds, I think there's going to be a storm." Teresa replied. I looked out the window and she was right, the clouds were getting bigger and darker by the minute. By the end of the day it would be a full on storm.

"Where are we going?" Frankie asked.

"There's another town about 5 miles up ahead and we need to get there before the boys. I snuck over last night and heard that they're going to start to journey over to that town at about midday. We need to get there before them. Now let's go." Teresa replied.

We each grabbed our weapon(s) and a few supplies each from the room downstairs and then we set off for the next town.

After about an hour my feet started to hurt and I started to sweat really badly. I would have thought that it would be cold considering it was cloudy. But no, it was even hotter than usual if that was possible.

In the early afternoon we took a break. We had a little sip of water and a snack bar each, refuelling us for the next hour of walking.

We carried on walking and soon we were nearly at the town.

"Look there it is, we're here." Frankie shouted. I was about to shout back at her saying we still had another 5 minutes of walking to do and not to jinx it.

But that's when the first few lightning bolts started to strike.

And that's when the screams started – both male and female.

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