Chapter 17

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I watched him. He was being dragged away and it was all my fault. I could've helped some more, instead I took the easy way out. I was a coward.

I killed Thomas.

Maybe not physically but I didn't put up a big enough fight. Now he's being dragged away in a sack by the people who are going to kill him and it's all my fault.

I can see it in his eyes, he blames me. And behind that look there's anger, hatred – towards me. And then he couldn't even look at me.

For some reason I followed them back to camp. I watched them beat the life out of Thomas and tie him to the tree.

His body hardly moving, the only movement was the slight rise of his chest – slight. But he had enough energy to look me in the eye and show his full on hatred for me. Yet he didn't say anything, he didn't need to I could tell what he was thinking from the look in his eye.

I wanted to cry but no tears came, I looked like a cold-hearted slinthead who let her own best friend die.

Then I watched as the girls got their weapons. I tried to scream but nothing came out so I was just there, watching.

I watched as they sharpened their weapons, as the lifted their weapons but I couldn't watch as they plunged their knives into his heart. However I looked again as I heard him shout my name but strangely it had a worried tone to it, not a tone full of anger. And each time his voice changed as if it wasn't him talking.



"Lara wake up."

"Lara, please."

My eyes flickered open and I found Newt, Minho, Frypan and Aris crowding my vision. I sat up and found it to be dark outside. I saw all of the Gladers crowded around a campfire. When they saw me they all cheered and most came to give me a hug.

I remembered that I blacked out – probably because of blood loss. Then I realised that it was a dream and I hoped that Thomas didn't hate me. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and focused on what was happening. I was finally reunited with everyone.

I was overwhelmed, I was back with the people I called family. I started crying from happiness, choking on my sobs.

"Great, now we have Miss Bossy back." Minho said while giving me a hug.

I rolled my eyes but then smiled, I didn't realise how much I missed his sarcastic comments.

Then I was directly facing Newt, I didn't know it was possible but I cried even harder.

I jumped into his arms and he spin me round. We just hugged each other for a few minutes until I pulled away and looked straight into his eyes.

Then we just started kissing, passionately and vigorously. I didn't care if I looked desperate, I missed Newt the most. I missed his presence, his voice, his hugs and mostly his kisses.

"Oi, Lovebirds give it a rest." Minho shouted and the rest of the Gladers started chuckling.

I pulled away from Newt in embarrassment, I could feel that my cheeks were burning up – my face probably looked like a tomato. I looked up at Newt's face and saw that his face was bright red too. This seemed to make the boys laugh even harder and impossibly my face even redder.

We walked over to the camp fire and sat down with everyone else. But no one was cheerful anymore, they must be upset about Thomas. I looked closer and they all looked like they had matured over the week, they had to be mature in the maze but this was a whole new level of maturity. They also looked really tired with bags under their eyes. They went through the same thing as us, they've lost so many like us.

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