Chapter 4

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I could tell everyone was shocked, I could even see it in the faces of the boys. My eyes scanned the boys looking for the blonde boy with the chocolate, brown eyes that I've grown to know and love.

At first I couldn't see him and I started to panic, my eyes frantically searching for him. Then Minho caught my eye pointing to something, I followed his finger to where it was pointed. When my gaze found what he was pointing at, I let out a strangled sob and ran up the invisible force.

Newt made his way over to the invisible force too, tears were streaming down my face. I had seen him a few days ago, but knowing that he was safe caused tears the tears to stream down my face.

I put a hand on the invisible wall and so did Newt. But all I felt was the coolness of the wall, there was no way I could even touch Newt to reassure myself that he was real and ok.

Then I saw his mouth move up and down and heard a muffled sound.

"Why can't I hear him, or any of them?" I asked Ava Paige with a stern expression.

"We simply can't let you, I'm sorry." She replied.

I looked back to Newt and his expression was grey, had obviously asked Janson the same thing. I took a step back and looked at all of the boys, they had a big messy table of food behind them so they must have gone through the same thing as us. Then I saw an unfamiliar face, he had light brown hair with blue eyes. And I saw a smile on his face as he was 'reunited' with his friends. It looked like the boys had welcomed him like the girls had welcomed Teresa and I.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't speak to Newt – I couldn't even give him a hug. I tried to think of some way we could communicate but my mind drew a blank. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Teresa get out of her seat and advance towards the invisible wall. I looked up at her and nearly burst out laughing at what she was doing.

She and Thomas were doing what me and Newt had done. Except everyone was a bit confused because they weren't a proper couple. I could faintly read the lips of the boys, it looked like they were teasing Thomas but he didn't acknowledge them. And I could hear the girls around me teasing Teresa with 'Oooos' and 'Awwws'. I was trying to contain my laughter but it slipped out when the most embarrassing thing happen.

Teresa tripped and went face first into invisible force. She got up and tried to contain the blush creeping onto her cheeks and when she saw me doubling over with laughter she sent me a deathly glare. I could even see Thomas trying to hold in his laughter. I didn't even know it was possible but I laughed even harder at what happened next.

Thomas tripped and face planted the floor, just missing the invisible force. By this time most of the boys were on the floor laughing and the girls were letting out the loudest laughs, I even heard a few snorts.

Soon they both realised that they had no way to communicate and both went back to sit down.

Ava Paige caught my attention when she was speaking into her earpiece – probably to that Janson guy again.

"We have thought about it and Teresa you are allowed to speak to Thomas privately for 5 minutes and Lara you are allowed to speak Newt privately for 5 minutes." She announced.

I heard Teresa gasp while I just jumped out of my seat with a goofy grin on my face. The boys hadn't yet heard the news as they were sitting there with confused expressions as to why me and Teresa were jumping for joy like children.

Then all of their heads turned to Janson as he told them the message. Newt immediately got up and ran over to the invisible force trying to get my attention. And when he did, his smile was even bigger than mine. I looked over to Thomas and I saw him jump out of his seat and pump his fist in the air – such a boy thing to do.

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