Chapter 18

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A.N: I am sooooo sorry for not updating in so long, I've had so much hw and loads of end of year exams. I know that it's not an excuse but I'm definitely going to update regularly again. Hope you can forgive me, I'm even giving you a really long chapter xx.

I was definitely awake and alert now. I couldn't speak, mainly because my voice was stuck in my throat. My attacker brought out another knife and held it towards Newt.

"Come with me and don't try anything." The voice said. I still didn't recognise it but I knew it was a male voice, it wasn't Newt or Minho because they were sleeping next to me. Aris' voice was too high for it to be him. I thought it might have been the Ratman who spoke to the boys but what would he want with me?

The figure put a blindfold on me so I couldn't see anything. I stumbled and tripped, it wasn't my fault but I made a loud sound. I heard someone wake up, I think it was Frypan. I was about to get up but I was pushed back to the floor – probably my attacker.

"Is anyone there?" I heard Frypan ask.

There was no reply, I was waiting for a few minutes when I was pulled up from the floor.

"Pull anything like that again and your boyfriend gets it." The harsh voice whispered into my ear. But this time the voice cracked. I knew that voice,

It couldn't be–

I was brought out of my thoughts when the person shoved me forward and was edging me to walk. I started walking but this time my attacker was leading me from behind, with a knife to my back.

It was a long journey, a few hours maybe. I could tell when it got lighter as the darkness of my blindfold became lighter. The boys must have woken up by now, were they worried? Did they even notice? They must have, right? That's the second time I've been taken away from the boys.

Suddenly I was stopped, I thought we might be where we need to be but I was lifted up. I screamed and screamed, flailing my arms and legs around.

I shut up when I felt a piercing pain down my calf. I stung and I could feel liquid running down my leg – blood.

"We're going through a forest so I'm making sure you don't get hurt, so shut up or next time it will be something more vital than your leg that I bash." The voice said.

I was put down again when the surface was smoother but I could tell that we were somewhere high up – maybe a mountain.

As we were walking I could hear voices – Thomas and Teresa. I was so relieved, maybe this wasn't so bad but hell was I wrong.

The sentence I could make out

"Tom," Teresa said. "Aris is right behind you, and he has a very big knife. Try anything and he'll slice your neck. You're coming with us and you're gonna do exactly what we tell you. Understand? Oh and he has Lara so if you try anything her neck will be sliced too."

I gasped, I didn't even know Aris but from what Maria had said about him made him seem nice. And I had repeatedly defended Teresa when she was getting hard time from and when she betrayed everyone.

My blindfold was taken off and I saw the scene in front of me. We were on a mountain and below was a forest of pine trees, Teresa and Aris were looking at each other weirdly and Thomas looked angry and confused at the same time. I looked down at my calf, the blood had stopped but the pain was still there.

"Hi Lara." Teresa said giving me a wicked smile. I gave her a sarcastic smile back which earned Aris' knife digging deeper into my back.

"Aris say hi to Tom." Teresa urged.

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