Chapter 23

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We had finished our game of spin the bottle and everyone separated into smaller groups. I was talking to Newt, Thomas, Minho, Teresa and Brenda.

I looked up and saw the dark clouds form over us. Everywhere had become dark so we built a fire in the centre to keep the light.

But everyone's look reflected the weather – glum. I knew that most of them were nervous, I was too but it kept leading me to the same thought – we're just kids all we should be worried about is who we're taking to the dance or what mark we got on our exam.

"We need to give them some hope." Minho stated.

"No!" I shouted a bit too loudly and sudden.

"I mean they can't have too much hope because we don't know what to expect. For all we know the safe haven could be a trap and we could all die." I said.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Thomas asked.

"We cheer them up." I replied.

"But how?" Newt asked.

"Simple. Lara knows a way." Teresa said while winking at me. At first I was confused but then I understood. She wanted me to sing. I wanted to but I was scared in case they all thought I was a betrayer for not telling them about it in the first place.

I looked around again and saw Flo. She was with Amelia, Maria and Frankie but I could see that something was wrong. She looked pale and was shaking like mad.

I went over to her and asked what was wrong. But in reply I got puke. She threw up all over my shoes. Then she said, "Sorry. I'm just nervous."

That was it for me. Seeing Flo like that made up my mind – I was going to tell them.

I ran up to the highest point of a sand dune and called for everyone's attention which I immediately got.

"I have something to tell you all. I've not been totally honest with you. From the beginning, since waking up in the Glade." I admitted.

There were a few gasps but most were just curious to know what I was hiding. I saw Newt and Minho's faces, they looked hurt and I felt guilty about not telling them. Not telling Alby, Chuck or Gally.

"I've been remembering song lyrics. But not any song lyrics ones that have a meaning. Ones that correspond to the situation I'm in. For example when I woke up in the Glade there was one called Never forget you and when I was trapped overnight one called Fight song. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't know what it meant but now I do." I spilled.

"Sing us a song that will cheer us up then." Minho shouted and everyone else joined in. No one seemed to be angry and I was thankful for that.

"Bu-.....I don't know if I can sing or not." I said, nervous.

"Didn't you sing to Teresa?" Thomas asked.

"Never got a chance to. Thankfully I was interrupted but Alby." That's when I realised my mistake and everyone went glum again.

"Don't worry I'm sure he's proud of us all." Frypan butted in.

"And Chuck." Thomas said.

"Zart." Someone said.

"Winston." – That was Newt. I could tell that that was still fresh in his head, he probably died less than a week ago.

"Gally too." Minho said. I couldn't agree more, Gally was a nice person inside. It was the changing that changed him, showed him who W.I.C.K.E.D was.

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