Chapter 15

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That day we were able to wake up later because we didn't have far to travel.

Every step I took my heart quickened, it was getting even closer to when we were going to see the boys again. Would I say anything to them? Would I cry? Would I stay at the back, blend in with everyone else? Would I help kidnap Thomas? – No explaining what was going to happen.

"So tomorrow we're going to surprise the boys and we're going to pretend that we don't know who Thomas is. Lara and Harriet will have a sack and that's where he'll stay until we get back to camp. Under no circumstances are any of you to speak unless I tell you to." She said the last bit looking at me.

"Lara you will not say anything to any of them, just ignore them. And for goodness sakes don't start crying, we can't look weak, remember we don't care about them anymore. Do you understand me?" She continued.

I murmured a reply but it obviously wasn't good enough for her.

"I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Teresa shouted and the other girls flinched. I was about to say yes but then a wave of confidence washed through me.

"No actually. I am not going to help kidnap Thomas, I will be in the background doing nothing, they won't recognise me if I have a scarf around my face. Even though you don't care about them – I do so I'm not going to betray them. I won't to them if it means so much to you but I can't help if I cry. Do you understand?" I blurted out and by the time I had finished speaking I was out of breath. Teresa had a look of amusement and proudness on her face but it was soon replaced with anger and fury.

"You don't call out the orders around here! But as I'm in a good mood you don't have to deal with Thomas – Sonya can do that. But to make them all pay and hurt, you will stay up front with me and they will have to deal with you being on my side. And you will do your best not to cry and under no circumstances will you speak to them, not even make eye contact." Teresa agreed.

I knew I would be stupid not to take the deal, nowadays you wouldn't see a nice side of Teresa.

"Promise?" I questioned.

"Promise." Teresa replied and I took her for her word.

"And we will all stand with weapons raised ready to shoot if any of them step out of place or try to follow us." Teresa added

She had to add that after we made the promise so I couldn't object to anything. Every day I was beginning to hate Teresa even more, I didn't want to but she was making it hard for me not to hate her.

We spent the rest of the day walking and it went by quickly to my dismay. My thoughts kept going back to the group and how they would see me. Surely they wouldn't think I betrayed them – would they? Soon it was nightfall and I was dreading the next day. It was the day I wanted to avoid, just skip.

The day when we were going to kill Thomas.

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