Chapter 3

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A.N: Follow IngridGhosh and read her story, it's so good. She gave me a shoutout so i'm giving her one in return and she's a really good writer as well!

I instantly ran into the room the girl was talking about. She hadn't lied there was in fact a long table of foods of all kinds. My mouth watered at the sight of the food, I saw girls run over to the table and start stuffing their faces.

I was about to do that when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. They're going to throw up if they keep eating that fast." I turned around to find Harriet.

I slowly walked over to the table and had to resist the urge to devour all the food at once. I heard a few girls start to groan about not feeling well so I picked up an apple and slowly began to eat it. By the time I had finished the apple my mouth was watering even more. The fruit with so much flavour, I never thought I would like a fruit so much.

Soon I had eaten 2 apples, a packet of crisps and a cereal bar. I was about to grab another apple when I heard the click of high heels. I turned my head to see the women who had greeted us after we escaped the maze and she was dressed in the same all white dress.

She was supposed to be dead!

Anger boiled up inside of me and before I could stop myself I was marching up to her with my hands balled into fists.

But I groaned in pain when I hit an invisible force that was like a wall. I felt blood pouring out of my nose but I could tell that I hadn't broken my nose just bruised it. I began to feel the invisible force and mark out where it was, it seemed to be shielding the women. She must be scared.

I started shouting and cursing at her but then fog appeared in the invisible force and when it was gone there was a desk and the woman was sitting there reading a book.

The girls began to shout at her and asking her why she was there. Annoyed, the woman looked up from her book and stated that there was still 47 minutes until she could explain Phase two of the trials.

This wound me up even more but before I could go and try to break the invisible force I was dragged away by Teresa and Maria.

"You aren't going anywhere." Teresa told me.

"Come on, let's get you patched up and then we'll go see what the stick has to say." Maria said.

We went into the girl's room and she found some medical supplies that were in her bag and began to wipe the blood away from my nose. I flinched when she pushed my nose to see if it was broken.

"Well the good news is that it's not broken." She said.

"I know, I was a Med-Jack back in my Glade." I said sarcastically.

"I can make it broken if you want." Maria said. I was surprised, I didn't think she had it in her. I always thought of her as the sweet girl who couldn't harm a fly but I guess I was wrong.

She said nothing after that and we made our way out to the hall where the woman was. We were waiting there patiently and apparently we still had 4 minutes until she could explain Phase two of the trials.

"So how do you know her?" Harriet asked me.

"She was the one who greeted us when we escaped, started saying that we were the useful ones and the ones who died were all useless and didn't have what it takes. I nearly punched her and then she goes on to kill Chuck." I spat remembering it very clearly.

"We had some mad who looked like a rat and he did the same, Rachel went up and punched him but I guess he got his revenge......." Amelia started but faded off towards the end of the statement.

Before anyone could say anything else the woman got up, put her book in the desk, got a file out from the desk and cleared her throat. I rolled my eyes, she was making a big deal out of something so pathetic.

"Congratulations on surviving this long without food." She started but was cut off by Teresa.

"Why have people pretend to save us, it was all unnecessary."

"Variables." Was all the woman said.

"I am Ava Paige and I am the Head at W.I.C.K.E.D. 60 of you were sent to live in Maze B – all girls and 60 of you in Maze A – all boys, well mostly boys but we'll forget them now." Ava said never taking her gaze off of me.

"We are using your brain patterns to construct a blueprint, you're all very important. The world as we know it is destroyed, basically all sand and sun now. And on top of that there is a very harmful disease going around killing so many." She continued. But I knew she was lying, I had memories and they were pretty recent and I knew Teresa knew as well as she looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"Listen here, I'm going to find a way to get past your invisible wall and punch the living daylights out of you. Because all of this you're talking about is klunk." Teresa started yelling and punching the wall until her knuckles started to bleed. I don't know where this new Teresa had come from but I liked it. It took 4 girls to drag her back to her seat.

The woman carried on as if nothing happened. "Before I tell you about Phase 2 there is one piece of advice I have for you. That you should never, ever believe your eyes or you mind for that matter. This is why we did the demonstration with the hanging bodies." I heard Teresa scoff.

"The maze was a part of the trials. Not one variable was thrown at you but many. Your escape, the battle against the grievers and the murder of the girl Rachel." I felt every one of the girls stiffen at the mention of their friend's name.

"Now it's time to start Phase 2. You will have 2 weeks to travel across the scorch. You will have to find your way to open air, then head due north for 100 miles. Make it there within 2 weeks and then you will make it to the safe haven.

"What if we don't want to do your stupid Phase 2?" I heard Frankie say.

"Oh I forgot to mention. You all have the disease – called the flare. If you decide not to go then you will die shortly from the deadly disease but if you make it to the safe haven at that point and only at that point will you be cured from the disease." Ava answered.

"What about the boys are they ok?" I asked.

"Yeah is Thomas ok? I mean are they all ok?" Teresa asked and I couldn't help but smirk at this.

I turned my attention back to the woman and she was talking in an ear piece to someone named Janson.

Then the steel wall behind her opened up but unfortunately the invisible wall was still in place.

When the wall was down I felt so many emotions at once and my jaw dropped.

It was the boys!

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