Starting Again

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I made lunch for everyone before heading off to the training ground. The boys were waiting outside the compound so I just handed it to them. "Eat breakfast?"
They both nodded.
"Oka-San made me."
"Same Teme, dattebane!"
"Don't call me that Dobe."
"I'll call you what I want Teme."
I hip bumped both the boys down and kept walking. If they were gonna argue, then leave me out of it. They quickly got back up, Natuto angry. "What was that for?"
I glared at him, causing him to hide behind Sasuke.
"If you two are going to fight then I will too." Both shivered and ran ahead of me. Both of them are bakas.
We finally got to the training ground and started warming up. Then Kakashi came in from nowhere. He waved,
"Yo. Sorry I was late, I got lost on the path of life."
We all swear dropped, I hadn't seen Kakashi in a while so it was going to take getting used to again.
"What a lame excuse." Grumbled Sasuke. Naruto shook his head yes rapidly.
Kakashi brought out his bells, and shook them.
"You need a bell in order to pass. When I say start, then we can go."
Naruto growled and leaped towards Kakashi. Kakashi grabbed and maneuvered himself behind Naruto's back. "I didn't say start."
I nodded to Sasuke who made a fireball while I attacked Kakashi from behind. I made a shadow clone and hid underground. Kakashi didn't recognize it as a shadow clone, good. Sasuke and my clone attacked him again, making him land right above me.
Concealing my chakra, I jumped above and grabbed the bells. He dispelled my clone and knocked Sasuke over the head, making him loose his grip on Kakashi.
"How did you do that?"
I smirked, "Sasuke and I live right next door. We knew Naruto would charge ahead and used it to our advantage. Team 7 wins."
Kakashi raised his barely visible eyebrow. "There's only two bells, one person will have to go back." I grinned to him. "Nope, we are one so there's still one bell for you." He gave his little eye crinkle to us and walked towards us.
"Alright, you pass."
Naruto and Sasuke have a shocked face even though they knew the plan.
"Why?" Naruto asked Kakashi. "Teamwork was the key, seems you have plenty of it." He walked over to the KIA stone.
"These were my teammates. They were the greatest heroes." If only you knew Kakshi. Naruto interrupted him, "I want my name on that stone!" Sasuke bonked him on the head. "Dobe, that's the KIA stone." His face fell, but maybe his parents told him about it this time.
"One of my teammates once told me that those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." The memory of Obito flashed in my mind. Last time I saw him was when he died at the Kaguya fight. He hadn't been, but he became a hero in the end. At least this time he won't die, nobody will. I can't let anything bad happen, nothing absolutely nothing. Kakashi gave us a small smile from under his mask.
"We will be training every day from twelve to two. We will have a mission every day as well, see you." And he vanished. I ate my lunch with the boys at the training ground. I went home to find Itachis shoes there.
"I'm home!" No answer.
I walked into the room to find him asleep on the bed. I smiled and covered him up with a blanket. I read one of my new medical books and waited in the living room for Itachi. I made him a quick dinner and snuck it into the fridge before joining him in the bed.

A Month Later.
"Sakura point A."
"Sasuke point B."
"And Naruto?"
"I'm at point C dattebane!"
"You're slow Naruto."
We began the signal and pounced on Tora. Naruto was the one to catch the cat to his disappointment. The cat clawed him a few times. I just wanted this to be over, it was finally the mission to waves. Zabuza and Haku were the ones I needed to save. Kabul found their bodies and used them in the war. That will not happen again, not on my watch. We turned the cat in to the daimyos wife. It tried to come back but couldn't. Poor kitty, I still dislike you though. Naruto made his rant on wanting more missions and I listened on.
"I guess if you aren't a kid anymore son,  I can give you a C mission." Everyone else but me was shocked at the Hokage. "Bu-but they just graduated Hokage-Sama!" Iruka yelled out.
"What will it be? Guarding a princess, defeating bandits. Catching a rogue?"
Minato chuckled, "Tazuna!"
The old man smelling of grease and booze entered he door. "You will be escorting him to the land of waves."
It's time....

A/N - yes it's different because it's a different time and people. Excuse me if you think it went by too quickly

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