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The month went by quickly. Not a single thing went wrong, unless you counted my poor excuse to use my fan despite the fan incident. It was just so hot that I had to! Needless to say that the room was white when I woke up and gave Naruto a nightmare. I'm not exactly sure but I believe it gave Sasuke nightmares too. We started calling it the Fan Imcident two point 0. Itachi has been gone a lot lately. The past month itself he was nearly gone the whole time. Now today was the chunin exam finals. Apparently the Hokage had an announcement to make as well, this should be good. I made my way to the arena with Sasuke and Naruto by my side. I entered the stands while Naruto went to fight Neji again. I just hope he won again, Neji is a pain in the ass. I kept as close as I could to the Hokage stand just in case anything like last time happened. Finally the Hokage showed up but I didn't see Itachi. Then the Hokage took off his hat, revealing, "Itachi!" He looked down and gave me a wink. The fourth came out and patted Itachi on the back. "I have decided to hand down the role to someone who has been working on it for years! Uchiha Itachi!" I got into the stand and hugged Itachi. I kicked his knee after I finished hugging him which made him wince.
"Why didn't you tell me!" Itachi gave me a smile and a kiss on my forehead with a sweet look on his face.
"I wanted to surprise you." I smiled and giggled.
"You could have at least warned me!" Realization hit me hard, if the invasion happened then Itachi would die. I started to panic as memories flooded in.
"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen, that was the main reason that Iwa and Kumo are here since they wanted to watch the fourth step down." Relief filled me again.
"Now go down and give the fight of your life!" I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading down. Naruto won this time since he kept Neji away using his sword and placed a kunai under his throat using the flying thunder God technique. Rather impressive actually, never knew his dad taught him the trick. He hopped back into the stands and gave me a bone crushing hug.
"Did you see that! I won!" I nodded and patted his back.
"When did you learn your dads technique?" He scratched the back of his head.
"Dads been teaching me for months but I was only able to get it this month since I trained dattebayo." I heard the announcer call my name so I jumped down. I stood on the right side of the field as the opponent went onto the left.
"Sabaku no Gaara against Uchiha Sakura!" He brought down the flag, showing its time to attack. I brought out my kunai and threw it but Gaaras sand got in the way. I decided I needed to end this battle quick if his sand was as quick as my kunai.
"Shinra Tensai!" He was brought to me with astonishment written all over his face. I punched as soon as he got there, sending him across the arena. His sand armor could be seen crumbling from across the stadium. I ran to where he was and noticed something in my perefhrial vision. I jumped and dodged as his sand came after me but I was still able to close in.
"Shinra Tensai!" He flinched as I brought him into the wall again. I made it in two seconds and threw him across, kicking him in mid air to the ground. He was knocked out but his bijuu never came out.
"Uchiha Sakura is the winner!" I healed any injuries he had and went back into the stands where I was congratulated by all my friends. Shikamaru had to fight Temari once more, making me believe this part of the finals were rigged or they were destined to meet this way. I'm going to go with its rigged but they're compatible. The finals went by smoothly until finally,
"Uchiha Sasuke against Namikaze Naruto!" I cringed. "Oh no, they're fighting each other." Naruto and Sasuke jumped down, both boys grinning at each other. 
"I'm gonna win Teme!"
"Not if I do Dobe."
I giggled as they started to battle each other taijutsu style. Then I noticed something,
"They're showing off their abilities!" To be promoted didn't mean you had to win but rather that you were well rounded enough to make chuunin. They got to ninjutsu, with Naruto using his water and Sasuke his fire. The boys hugged but were still smirking to each other.
"Let's finish this Dobe."
"I was right about to say the same thing, Dattebayo Teme!" With this, both boys charged their attacks. Sasuke with his chidori and Naruto with his rasengan. They screamed and ran at each other. The dust rose so nobody saw who won until it cleared and they were on the ground.
"Uchiha Sasuke and Namikaze Naruto are tied in a draw!" Medics got them out the arena and I felt pride. They intentionally used all their skills to the best of their abilities and worked together to become chuunin together. I had to make them their favorite food just for this.

A/N- hope the fight scenes weren't too cringe worthy but I can fully say that I suck at writing them. Please check out my sample story and write down if you like it and have a wonderful day!

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