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A/N- sorry for the wait! I finally got medicine for my fever and have been sleeping all day, every day. Enjoy my beautiful readers!

Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya all summoned their animals to fight against each other. The two boys watched on in something akin to adoration as everyone fought battle royal style. What baffled them the most though, why Orochimaru wanted Sakura to be healed?
Their reasoning though was lost on the group save Orochimaru. He had been watching her, and her actions. Everytime he watched her battle, he could see the part of her that turned. She would wake up insane, that much was certain. He wanted to be there when she did, so he could finally have the secret of Uchiha Sakura figured out. He desired to be the one who brought her into the furthest pits of darkness while she lost her mind. He grinned in the middle of battle, it would be a glorious sight. Tsunade and Jiraiya paused in their tracks as they watched the mad scientist start to chuckle darkly. "That girl is perfect for my collection." Kabuto took the moment to appear behind Tsunade and stab her, making her bleed heavily. Fear coursed through every part of her as she screamed out her agony.
She held onto her head as she writhed around, trying to rid her mind of the images the blood brought with it. Jiraiya cursed and quickly brought her to the boys.
"Take care of her!" They both nodded and went to action. After applying pressure and bandaids, the boys watched on as Jiraiya and Orochimaru fought each other viciously. Tsunade twitched every once in a while, until Kabuto noticed the state of action. He grinned and walked up to the boys, trying to decided how he should torture each one.
"Looks like Jiraiya left you two unprotected." The boys grit their teeth and Naruto swiftly attacked, leaving Sasuke to get him from behind. Kabuto caught Naruto and launched him into Sasuke before taking the same kunai he stabbed Tsunade with earlier.
"Well, well, guess it's goodbye slug queen." He pounced but the kunai ended up going through Naruto's hand. Tsunade started crying when she realized what Naruto did for her. The blood brought the images but she ignored them, instead aiming for the small boys who were fighting a Jounin. Her courage gathered and she kicked Kabuto away, making him land fifty meters away. Tsunade used her seal and healed Naruto, making sure the kid was okay.
"Don't you dare do that again, you can't become hokage dead, Baka." She placed her necklace over her head.
"They say that whoever wears this necklace will become hokage, wear it proudly." Naruto beamed and pumped his fist in the air.
"You know it, dattebayo!" The real battle started.

She was never getting out of here. Nothing, was all a void that consumed you and made it to where you couldn't move. It was maddening, there wasn't anything, not a single thing. How she wished she could laugh or cry at the idea, but it never happened. It left her with her thoughts, making her insane by the second. She could feel it, the death like before that haunted her every night. There was nothing like it, the void. She had made a genjutsu of it, only once. The person was a rouge nin who later on that night killed himself, too overcome by sheer madness to continue living. How she wished she could do the same, but it always failed.
Cutting her wrist, only healed seconds later with no explanation.
Hanging herself off the fan when Itachi was gone, somehow it turned on right when Naruto and Sasuke came in as the entire ceiling came down, making it known as the fan incident. They are still convinced they saw a terrible hallucination from a ghost, just how naive the two are. Nothing worked and she was in this until time finally took her to become one with the void again and at peace. Freedom always managed to allude her, just as she touched the tips it would disappear like the darkness in light. There was nothing she wanted more than to be free but, she was left wanting. She chuckled, but no movement or sound came from it.
Maybe psychopathy was the way of life for her.
A cold shiver went up her spine as for the first time, she heard a voice.

"Miss me?"

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