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She clenched her fist on the rail. She hadn't been expecting Haku nor Gaara to fight each other. She hadn't even known he was in the exam. He must have been in a separate room during the first part. Naruto looked over at her in concern. He thought that it was cool that they were going to be fighting together but now that he saw her reaction, it was serious. Haku managed to create the ice mirrors again and Gaara kept up his defenses. No blood had been taken so far but it was only a matter of time.
"Forfeit, my ice has you ensnared." Gaara gave him a bloodthirsty stare that made Haku shiver.
"Your death shall prove my existence." Sasuke wasn't sure what to make of the situation. On one hand he knew Haku and how he changed his life but this one.. He was clearly unstable. He made sure to comfort Naruto who was worse for wear by keeping his hand on his shoulder. He felt Naruto relax and almost smirked. Then the sand expanded out and caught Haku on the arm when he tried to cut through his sand armor. He struggled to get out while Gaara kept the sinister smile on his face.
"Sabaku Kyu." Haku's screams rang out through the arena. By now Sakura was ready to get Haku out no matter what. He rolled out of the way and held up his senbon.
"Is that all?" Gaara instantly flashed in front of him and was right about to kill him when a sword flew in front of him.
"That's my apprentice there, you will have to go through me to kill him." Everyone looked over to see Zabuza up in the stands wearing a mask and robes. You couldn't see his face but that was his sword he just threw.
"Haku, Forfeit." Haku shakily stood up,
"I'm forfeiting." With that, the medics came rolling in and Gaara used his sand to stand back up into the bleachers. Sakura was relived, she didn't want their blood upon her hands but now Haku's arm would be injured for a while. I clenched my teeth as the proctor called for our attention.
"Gaara is the winner, and now it's time for match two."
The screen began randomly shifting until two names were shown.
"Hyuuga Hinata vs. Tsurugi Misumi." Maybe these matches were random after all, they never believed it before but now Sakura saw that it truly was randomly generated. Hinata and Midumi jumped down and waited for the proctor.
"Ready, Start!" With that, Hinata did her byakugan as Misumi started her jutsu. She softly said the words and then her neck popped out and Hinata hit the chakra point inside the part and ran towards the body. The neck limply came back but it was too late and Hinata started her 64 palm technique, effectively knocking Misumi out. Sakura and Naruto cheered with the rest of her teammates for Hinata who was blushing brightly, Kakashi extended a small good job her way as well which made her blush even more. That was odd but she didn't question. The next names started to show, making Sakura pale from who she would have to fight.
"I can't fight my blossom of youth but I shall try my best." I jumped down as Naruto and Sasuke cringed. The first time they met him at practice was quite an event.
"I love you!" Sakura blinked in confusion. "What?" He bowed down to her as her teammates fell over from shock. "My youthful cherry blossom, I love you!" Sakura raised her eyebrow, she had been hoping it wouldn't come to this.
"Lee I have a fiancé!" His face almost contorted in sadness.
"Who is it my youthful cherry blossom?" Sasuke finally got over his shock,
"My brother, Uchiha Itachi." Lees eyes flashed in something akin to determination.
"I shall prove myself to you by training every day to the point that I can beat your fiancé and win your love!"
When Itachi learned of it he had been pissed to say the least, not to mention Mikoto. Now Itachi had to watch me fight him while only being able to stand next to the hokage. I sighed and crouched down, ready to fight. "Ready, Begin!" Lee came forward and tried to kick me softly, letting me catch it and throw him to the wall. He tried getting back up and sent me his flashing smile. "I shall win your heart through battle!" I could have sworn I felt Itachis chakra spike up considerably. Lee came back and I had to sigh. Guess I had to cheat but screw it. I started into the handsigns and quickly made a doton jutsu. "Doton; Doryuso!" With this spears came out and while Lee was distracted she punched him down into the ground, making a rather large crater. She quickly pulled him out and showed his body to Hayate.
"Rock Lee has been knocked out, Haruno Sakura wins!" She put him on the stretcher and decided to wait until Naruto and Sasuke fight to go to the hospital. The next fight turned out to be Kin vs. Sasuke and he won that after about five minutes of fighting. Then it time for another match and I almost started to cry.
"Namikaze Naruto and Akimichi Choji." Oh my god, Naruto was gonna be crushed! He didn't have the Kyuubi so while he still had large reserves he just didn't heal as fast. The only thing he had to his advantage was his kinjutsu and the fact that he hadn't been in the forest. His kinjutsu has been the product of his mom teaching him how to fight with it in combat since he was young while his dad has been teaching him fighting techniques and soon they will both teach him their jutsus. I sighed, this was gonna take awhile and I was already hungry. The battle went by as stalemate since Chouji was stronger but Naruto was faster. Finally Naruto pulled out his sword and used his speed to get behind Chouji, making him surrender. Least this time this happened Choji could surrender.

A/N- finally finished my math but I'm still under stress. Let's just say things have gone chaotic with my life and currently I'm trying to figure out wtf to do. I might be posting more or less, it just depends on whether or not I'm finding ideas and plot bunnies.

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