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Naruto really wanted to be home.
"Ne, ne, Shizune, how long till Konoha?"
She grimaced, he had already asked this question four times now in the span of five minutes.
"Not at all close, now hush."
It wasn't his fault though, he was just getting an odd vibe from the eerily quiet forest around them. He didn't like the silence but this forest was anything but loud. He couldn't even hear any animals or bugs! Sasuke didn't notice or didn't care, or probably a combination of both that irked the blond.
He nudged Sasuke who blatantly ignored him for the most part.
"Shizune-nee, it's so boring though!"
Shizune wanted nothing more than to smack him but she couldn't, they had company.
The kids might not have realized it but every forest has some kind of animals, there's wouldn't be a forest without them. It was the circle of life even, from plant to animal to plant again.
Right now there wasn't even a single ant on the ground, which made Shizune wonder in horror,
Who the hell was strong enough to pull this off and why was he targeting them?
"Everyone remain calm!" The villagers were gathered into two separate groups, those who supported Sakura and the others not so much. It was a test of wills on who believed Sakura should be kept alive or not. The pro-Sakura group consisted of the newer generation that had been with her in the academy and regular shinobi to the hospital that Sakura was working at.
The others were mostly those who lost family to the Kyuubi during the attack and civilians that didn't understand exactly what a jinchuruuki is.  Itachi was trying to keep everyone calm but to no avail, an s-class secret was just revealed to the masses of people.
"Go back to your tents!"
One daring villager got into the anbu's face who was shouting for the people to stop.
"Shut up, that fox can't come back to Konoha!"
Itachi had enough and his large patience snapped like a twig. Not a single person could stop him as he yelled,
"ENOUGH!" Everyone stopped and turned to their dearly beloved hokage.
"Hasn't she done enough to earn your trust! She's saved hundred of lives, and has been in Konoha for thirteen years with no problems till now!" They stopped and realized exactly what the hokage was telling them.
"....She's getting married to him isn't she?"
"She's healed me many times before but.."
"I owe my sons life to her."
The crowd started to murmur many positive parts of Sakura that has benefited them. Itachi twitched when he heard them though,
They only wanted Sakura because she was able. Never mind the fact that she was a person, if she didn't have the Kyuubi then nothing would be wrong with her being just there. But she did have the Kyuubi, so now the civilians were only focusing on how she helped everyone and not the fact that she was living and breathing just like them.
Itachi didn't want them to see the Kyuubi, he wanted them to see Sakura.
The one who hid herself from the world while keeping a mask that his her true feelings.
That part of her that was so utterly strong despite the fact that she was human.
And he was reminded of that fact everytime he saw her lying motionless on that cot.
He couldn't wait for her to wake up, so he could see that part of her again.
"This is strange." Tsunade had to agree. Not a single thing has happened since they left the group, leading them to believe that something was worse elsewhere. They had been a part of team seven, which never had normal missions or trips outside of Konoha ever. For them to be having absolutely no trouble meant something terrible was going to happen and they just knew it. The question was why and who, anybody could be at risk with a normal mission of team seven. Jiraiya and Tsunade exchanged glances, deciding it would be better to go back for the kids than leave them.
Shizune was a chuunin/low Jounin level only, if they were having a normal mission then it's going to be someone of Sannin level.
They could only hope that they could make it on time.

A/n- sorry for the long wait! I had no data nor wifi! Love you and please comment your opinions!!!

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