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"Miss me?"
Suddenly, the world shifted and let Sakura fall onto a ground she couldn't see.
"What are you doing here?"
The voice chuckled,
"I have always been here. In this plane of nonexistence, I managed to survive. "
Finally a figure appeared, completely black with white outlining. The only color she had was green, the green of her eyes that shined with maniacal glee.
"What do you want?" Sakura asked, unsure of what to say. What could she say to something that has been living in the depths of her mind for years?
"Something of value to both of us."
Sakura's eyes narrowed,
"You don't mean?"
"Of course I mean that!
You have nothing and are nothing so why do you get control!"
Her teeth grinded together but she didn't say anything.
"You couldn't even save everyone, like that poor woman who was pregnant."
Tears threatened to fall out of Sakura's eyes while the voice of inner laughed.
"Even after getting another chance, you still manage to mess everything up like the pathetic trash you are."
There was nothing she could say at that moment.
A tired sigh escaped the voices lips.
"Just give up, you're doing nothing but killing yourself slowly as you keep changing it, just let everything happen and you could be living happily again. Even if it's without them."

Inner had always been the voice of truth for her. She was only but her innermost thoughts and feelings that she kept bottled up. Inner was probably the one who made it to where she could sleep.
Kami knows she would never sleep if those nightmares came back.
But right now, it was nothing but shit coming out of her mouth.

"I won't give up, I don't care if I die again, but if anything happens to them again then it wouldn't matter how healthy I am."
Her inner had to stop to look how broken the main shell of her being was.
She was her innermost thoughts, and people were selfish beings.
Everyone wants happiness, no matter what they say, they can't lie to their heart.

"Then It wouldn't matter, I would still die with them."

"We need help immediately!" The medics were panicking as Sakura started to thrash around in her comatose state. So far nothing had worked to calm her down but there was nothing Itachi could do except listen to the yelling of the concerned medics. Everyone was forced to go outside and wait while they tried to calm her down, but it didn't help.
They waited and waited until hours passed and Sakura stopped thrashing around. The first thing he noticed when he came in was the tears that she shed in her sleep, making the pillow beneath her damp.
They placed her under critical care and she was now being moved to a different tent. He didn't like it but if it helped her,
He was all for it.
It wasn't that hard to notice those moments, the little parts where she stares dead to the world. Her eyes would become dull and lifeless, not once moving until she snapped out of it.
Something had to have happened to her but he didn't want to push it.
Something inside him though, a tiny piece kept telling him that he should push and push until he knew.
He couldn't help her if he didn't know how to.
"The fox is here!"
Itachi gave himself whiplash from the speed of how quick his head turned.
The traveling bunch hurried as quickly as they could through the foliage. The boys were struggling to keep up with the grueling pace set to Konoha.
"We need to hurry, but your right." Tsunade stopped and forced everyone to do so too.
"Jiraiya and I are needed in Konoha but the boys can't keep up the pace, why don't we let them stay with Shizune who could take them?" Jiraiya and Shizune went to say something but was cut off,
"We recieved Intel from Konoha and this matter of information is critical."
Jiraiya knew but he didn't want to leave the kids behind with a chuunin level woman.
"Shizune can take care of them, she has the slug summoning as well." Jiraiya relaxed at the information.
Everyone agreed to the plan and they split paths, the kids with Shizune and the sannin ahead towards Konoha at top speed.
They had an emergency on their hands,
A medic found the seal holding the nine tails.
They told everyone and now people were starting to riot and rally for Sakura.
If the information got to the wrong hands, Sakura would be in trouble. Especially while she was unable to defend herself against anything. Should she be taken, then undoubtedly people would panic and cause a storm of trouble.

A/N- I'm sorry my lovelies!
I love you!

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