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"To hell with this!"
Kisame locked his fingers together and started to fuse with samehada, turning more and more into jaws.
"Dunnuh, Not today!"
A large branch hit Kisame out of the water, making him hit a couple of trees.
The bubble popped, releasing Jiraiya and Tsunade. Tsunade brought her fist down on the fish's gut as Jiraiya stepped to the side. Kakashi grabbed Kisame and knocked him out using his sharingan.
They dragged the ridiculously heavy man back to Konoha, ready to knock him out at the first sign of consciousness.
"Well that was quick senpai."
"It was two sannin, a jounin with a sharingan, and another jounin with wood style jutsu. A bit of overkill if you think about it, kouhai."
Everyone nodded their heads and continued on their way to Konoha. All was relatively quiet.
"Itachi nii?"
Itachi turned his gaze towards Sasuke who was leaning over a passed out Naruto and Sakura.
"What is is?"
Sasuke looked down, at his two best friends. He treasured them really, they were part of the family.
"When is Sakura nee going to wake up?"
Itachi sighed, "She did something really drastic, and now she's tired. It'll be a bit before she wakes up again. Why don't you wake up Naruto to go and help the other villagers in rebuilding the village?"
Sasuke nodded and kicked Naruto. Naruto woke up with a yell and to everyone's surprise Sakura punched Naruto in the back of the head.
"Don't yell, I'm tired."
Then she went back to sleep, leaving a flabbergasted Itachi, Naruto, and Sasuke in the world of the awake people.
"Or possibly in a couple of hours."
Naruto and Sasuke left the tent in a run, not wanting to be caught by Sakura in case they woke her up.
Tired Sakura is angry Sakura.
Naruto accidentally ran into Jiraiya while he was running, who knocked down the rest of the sannin's team. Knocked out Kisame managed to be bottom and the only ones to come out unscathed was Sasuke and Tsunade.
(For which Naruto was eternally thankful for)
"Scat brats!"
Naruto and Sasuke were left once again running for their lives.
The team with Kisame dropped him down in front of Itachi who nodded gratefully.
"Take him to what's left of training ground 3, tie him up. Get Ibiki and a Yamanaka to interrogate while Kakashi and Yamamoto stand guard. If Tsunade would tend to the wounded and Jiraiya see to it that Minato and Kushina are properly cared for."
Everyone went off to perform their duties, with Tsunade going to see Sakura first. She leaned down and diagnosed Sakura through medical chakra.
"It seemed as if her chakra is low, we can't prescribe soldier pills for this because it gives only a short burst then it would deplete the body of the little chakra she has. I can have a shinobi transfer medical chakra into her which will allow her body to naturally take in more chakra without adding stress. The chakra paths are extremely damaged, so the medical chakra can start the healing process. It'll be a long time though before she's able to use her chakra."
Tsunade started to slowly add chakra into Sakura's system. She was still asleep, trying to rest to gain whatever energy she could get.
"When the village is back to running we can began treatment. Treatment and rehabilitation should take a estimated total of a year and a half at minimum. Normally we would try to make them work on their chakra during rehabilitation but I'm unsure if her chakra system will ever be able to fully recover. Since her pathways are rather large due to the kyuubi and her training she should be fine, the only problem we would have to worry about is if it gets this low again. Next time could mean the chakra path dies, resulting in amputation or death."
Itachi felt grim fear take over him, making him shiver at the thought.
"Thank you Senju-San."
Tsunade felt rather sympathetic towards the young male. Losing a love can be hard, she should know.
She just hoped that he never understood.

A/N- sorry I haven't uploaded much guys! I'm back! (Yay!) thanks for the awesome support you guys! 😘

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