Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Hey guys,

Just a quick thank you for taking the time to read my story. I don't pride myself on being a writer it's just a bit of fun so any grammatical mistakes, I apologise!

Also, I'm like mixing it all up a bit by not putting them as famous as they are now like practically fetus but keeping their ages now, if you get me? So please take this into consideration before leaving any comments about it. On that note, I would look to have any feedback on whether you think it's crap or good or ANY comments what so ever, I will read all.

Okay so I'll shut up now and let you read the actual story.


Love, Kayla


P.S sorry the first few chapters are small...but once I got into it, they get longer ... I promise

P.P.S Hi everyone - I've started a new adventure on YouTube, follow ohitskxyla on Twitter for more info! (07/08/2015)


Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

"Well let me tell you a story
About a girl and a boy
He fell in love with his best friend
When she's around, he feels nothing but joy
But she was already broken, and it made her blind
But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right"

My alarm blares out, I roll over to switch it off. "5 more minutes" I think to myself, "no, come on you've got a big day ahead of yourself, get out of bed" I groan to myself.

*knock knock*

"Come on Kayla! Get up, it's your first day of placement!" shouts Georgia through the door.

"I'm up, I'm up" I grumbled.

Georgia lets herself into my room and sits on the end of my bed whilst I roll out of bed, pile my hair on top of my head and grab my towel and underwear I'd already planned out the night before, and go through to the bathroom.

After my shower I come back out, Georgia's still sat there smiling at me.

"What?" I smile back.

"I just can't believe that you're going to be my teacher!" she laughs.

Let me explain ...

My name is Michaela (Kayla for short), I'm 21 from Manchester, England and I'm currently doing teacher training. I decided that I didn't want to do it in England, there was one place that I had wanted to go since I was child and that was Australia so I'd taken a long shot and applied to do a course over there and I'd got it!

The hard place was finding somewhere to live, but I'd been talking to on twitter and there was a girl, Georgia, who'd I'd spoken to a lot and she lived there. She'd convinced her mum and dad it made perfect sense to live with them, and it seems she'd worn them down enough that they'd agreed.

So here I am, getting ready for my first day at my teaching placement, weirdly Georgia's 18 years old so she in her last year so she'll be getting a ride with me to school. Not school standards, but they'd have to get over it, I was after all living with her and her family.

I slip on a pencil skirt, blouse and some heels whilst putting my hair up in a quiff and a ponytail. I slick on a bit of makeup - not too much and look at Georgia. "You'll do" she grins. After we finish getting ready we head downstairs for some breakfast and chat to Jim and Rose (Georgia's parents)

"Thank you again so much for this! I can't thank you enough!" I smile gratefully at them. They were letting me be a part of their family and I honestly couldn't have done this without them.

"It's our pleasure! Now run along girls otherwise you'll both be late for your first day back" They say handing us our lunches.

Georgia had run off to the car already as I was heading out the front door "See ya!" I shout back to Jim and Rose.

"Penola Catholic College I'm ready for you!" I smile to myself as I close the door.

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