Chapter 30 - Making Friends?

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It was Boxing day and I was out having a jog. It was a nice day so I was jogging in shorts and a crop top. I'd already taken a walk with Tink, but I needed to jog to think about everything from the day before. I'd heard Georgia crying on and off all night which broke my heart. How was this holiday going to work now? I'm so glad I stayed quite calm yesterday because Alyssandra was my pupil still so I couldn't say much. But I'm surprised she'd got away without anyone having a proper go at her. I'd run to the woods to mine and Luke's spot and just sat there. I'd phoned my mum and spoke to her for about 30 minutes but then I decided to head back.

I started to run through the park when I spotted that familiar dark hair, as I tried to go past unnoticed, she turned and noticed me.

"Kayla" she called out.

I stopped, "yeah?"

"Can we talk .... please?"

I sigh. "Be quick Alyssandra."

We sat down on the bench.

I look at her, tears in her eyes. I feel almost sorry for her.

"I didn't mean for this to happen! I swear!" she cries holding her little bump.

"You knew he was in a relationship with Georgia!" I say trying not to lose my cool.

"But .. he was mine first" she sniffles.

"You said that about Jai, when you thought I was getting with him...."

"I really liked both of them but no-one ever wants me as their girlfriend. Sleeping with both of them made me feel needed .. wanted. I never meant for anyone to get hurt or to end up pregnant. Skip hasn't spoken to me, I've tried calling and texting him" she's still crying.

"None of us have spoken to Skip, he probably needs time. You shouldn't have done this, but it's happened and nothing can change this. Maybe the way you didn't wasn't acceptable but again, that's done and it can't be changed" I admit.

"I know and I'm so sorry, I need to apologise to Georgia" she sobs.

"I'd leave it for now, but everyone will come round" I say stroking her arm.

"Hey, what about you and Luke hey?!" she smiles cheering up a little.

"About that, you can't say anything. Yes we are together, we have been for a while but it's frowned upon at school."

"That's fine, I promise I won't. I can't start any more trouble than I already have." She shrugs.

"I've gotta go but I'll get Skip to return your calls when I see him?" I give a small smile.

"Thanks" she smiles.

I start the jog back home.


Luke's POV

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Skip opened the door with a black eye. Nice work, I thought to myself.

"Can we talk?" I say.

"Yeah, come in" he says heading into the gaming room.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" I shout at him.

I look round and he's crying, "I didn't mean to! It all just got out of hand, Aly was texting me when I first got with Georgia and turned up at my house trying to get with me. I kissed her and then I just couldn't say no and it obviously went further. I didn't mean to hurt Georgia"

"Georgia doesn't want anything to do with you anymore but strangely she's asked us all to be here for you because unlike you she's a good person!" I shout still majorly pissed at him.

"I'm sorry but I've been thinking about it overnight and I've messed everything up so far, but I want to speak to Aly and be a dad and actually do something right for once." He says head down.

"You need to talk to Georgia first and see what's happening there. Us boys don't hate you but we need some time to think, but you know we are always here for you." I inform him.

He nods gratefully.

"I think your plan of action should be to speak to Georgia and then Aly, Kayla rang me before saying that Aly was sorry and she wanted to speak to you, but Georgia is your main priority. I've gotta go though, Kayla should be here and I'm taking her out."


Georgia's POV

I was lying on my bed and my phone rings. I knew it would, it has been ringing non-stop since last night but I knew it was different this time, Kayla had told me about her bumping to Alyssandra and Luke going round to Skips.

"Hello" I answered very monotone.

"Oh my goodness you answered, how are you? Oh that's a stupid question, I - " Skip says down the phone, rushing his words.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"I need the chance to talk to you, to make it up to you" he says sadly down the phone.

"You can't make it up to me; my parents won't let you in the house either" I say, welling up again at yesterday antics.

"I want to see you." He says.

"Okay, meet in the park in 20 minutes?" I offer.

"Okay, see you there"


Skip's POV

I'm sat in Luke's hideyhole that he thinks no-one knows about and wait from Georgia. How did everything get so fucked up?

Georgia rocks up looking beautiful as ever. I get up to hug her but she sits down, a great bit away from me. I can't even look upset though at what I'm putting her through.

"I'm sorry" I say looking down at my hands.

"I wished you look at me when you said that" she sighs, "but you aren't sorry because if you were you wouldn't of even done that to me. You lied to me when I asked you, I lost ... lost my virginity to you, I trusted you!" she's crying and I've never been more heart broken.

"I'm so sorry" I say taking her hand.

She snatches it back, "what you have done is unforgivable, I will eventually not forgive and forget but I'll build a bridge and get over it because we share mutual friends. But I want you to promise me something" she bites her lip as I feel tears roll down my face.

"Anything" I murmur, finally taking her hand.

"Do a DNA test, if the baby is yours, stand by her. She will need you now and you need to be a dad. Please don't contact me for a while I need space, I need to think, but eventually we can be acquaintances, we have to be for our friends sake. Thank you for a wonderful 4 months, I did have a lot of fun, but we obviously aren't meant to be." She leans over and presses her lips to mine.

"I'm sorry, I really am" I murmur before she gets up and walks off.

Were we really over ......


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