Chapter 31 - New Years Eve

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Its New Years Eve afternoon and me and Georgia are planning outfits for Aaron's 20's themed NYE party (girls 20's style in picture). Apparently he holds all the parties because his parents are pretty relaxed, I wasn't complaining, I liked hanging with them all. A couple of them that Luke trusted knew about me and him, so tonight would be good because we could act like a couple.

The boys were going dressed as 1920's gangsters and myself, Georgia and Katie were going dressed as flapper girls! So we'd been shopping all day in the sales and picked up the outfits we needed. I was quite giddy about getting dressed up, I absolutely loved it!

"Are you worried about seeing Skip?" I asked her, biting my lip, it was a touchy subject.

"A little, but when I spoke to him last week, I told him I needed space and he hasn't contacted me, which I'm glad at. I loved him and he hurt me bad. I'm not going to be that girl that everyone looks at saying oh her boyfriend's got a kid to someone else, poor her and now she's pining for him. I'm not being walked over. 2014 is going to be my fresh start!" she stands up smiling, "I can feel a toast coming on, I'll go downstairs and get that champagne my mum and dad bought us!"

I smile to myself. She honestly has her head screwed on that girl! I hope everything does work out for her, this is the worst possible thing that could of happened to anyone. She comes back up with two champagne flutes.

"To 2014!" she cheers.

"To 2014!!!" I cheer back as we clink glasses.

"I definitely didn't imagine my life like this, this time last year!" I giggle.

Who'd have thought it? Me! Little Michaela from Manchester on the other side of the world living with the Hewitt's who I now classed as my family, with the most amazing friends in the world and the most kindest, gentlest, best boyfriend? I start to tear up.

"No! Don't cry, you'll ruin your make up!" Georgia giggles, "But I didn't imagine my life like this either, getting a boyfriend, losing my virginity and then having him have a baby with someone else."

"Hey! You are the strongest woman I know because if that would of happened to me, Luke would be in hospital with broken legs and a chopped off penis!" I laugh and Georgia joins in.

"Girls, what's all the laughing about?" Katie comes into my room.

"Wow! You look amazing babe!" I gush, she had come all ready in her outfit. "I want to get dressed up now!"

"Thanks" she blushes.

"Have you seen the boy's costumes?" Georgia asks.

Katie shakes her head "James wouldn't let me see, he said it's a surprise because all the boys are wearing the same and Luke told Kayla the same thing apparently."

I nod "Yup, I think they're all pretty proud of themselves. They've managed to pull off the look they were hoping for, without help from us. I told them we'll meet them there because they're getting a taxi, and Jim said he'd take us"

"How do you feel about seeing Skip tonight?" Katie asks whilst pulling a bottle of Rosē out of her bag and pouring it into the already waiting wine glasses.

"I'm not gonna lie and say it's going to be easy. I'm deeply hurt but no matter how much I cry about it or moan and groan, the situation isn't going to change. I can see Skip's deeply sorry but as I told him, he shouldn't have done it in the first place. But with you lot by my side and knowing if anything gets out of hand the boys will fight my corner, I feel better about it. What good is it gonna do if I make everyone hate Skip? They were primarily his friends before I started going out with him, I can't do that. I, GEORGIA HEWITT AM A STRONG INDEPENDANT WOMAN!"

We giggle at the last bit.

"I can feel another toast coming on!" I giggle.

Katie fills all of our glasses.

"Here's to a fun filled 2014!" she giggles.

We all cheers,

"We better start getting ready!" I say getting up off my bed.


"You look amazing girls!" Rose gasps as we're making our way to the party in Jim's car. We all bundle out the car and she makes us pose for a couple of photo's when the boys taxi pulls up.

"Hey" I smile at all of them as Luke embraces me. Skip is looking down and I can't bear it but equally I can't bring myself to even be nice to him at the moment.

"Everything will be alright" Luke whispers.

Jai and Beau both hug Georgia tight, "We decided that we needed a date and we couldn't decide which of us was going to take you so we both agreed to both be your date!" Beau grins.

"Actually Beau ... " I start.

"So if you're Georgia's date, who's going to be mine?" he turns round to face Gillie.

"Oh my God! I didn't know you were coming!" he takes her into a hug.

"I invited her" I smile.

I knew they'd been texting but Gillie had been busy with Uni so hadn't had time to visit us as it was so hectic, so I gave them the gentle push they needed.

"You are going to make the best sister-in-law ever!" Beau grins.

"Ermmm, not too fast Beau!" I say eyes widening.

Luke laughs as he wraps his arms round my waist, "You are definitely the best looking flapper girl here!" he whispers in my ear, planting a kiss on my neck.

"Shall we go in?" James asks.

I look round and feel sorry for Skip, well momentarily anyway as we've all coupled up in a way but he's on his own. Then I remember what a bastard he is and then it's all better!

Us girls were very prepared and brought plastic wine glasses for ourselves whereas the boys were just drinking out of the bottles and cans they had bought. Aaron had made a massive bonfire in the middle of his garden and had his music blasting out, we went over to an area where there were enough chairs for us all and took our seats.

Aaron and a few of his boy mates come over and chat to us. One of his friends who I'd never seen before looked over at me.

"Hey I'm Josh" he smiles.

"Kayla" I politely smile back.

"I've never seen you around before? And I'd definitely remember if I seen someone like you around! Girl, you are looking good" he smirks.

I can see Luke balling his fists up.

"Thanks, my boyfriend appreciates it too" I smile nicely towards him.

I see Luke relax a little bit. I know he trusts me; it's the boys he doesn't trust. I look over to him and he jerks his head in a 'come here' way so I get up and walk over to him and he pulls me onto his lap.

"Nicely handled" he murmured.

"Thanks. You should know by now you are the one for me" I say planting a kiss on his lips.

"Guys, please!" Skip cries out at our PDA.

"Maybe if you weren't such a fuck up you could have this too!" I snap.

Katie and Georgia smirk at my outburst; I cover my mouth "oops!" and giggle.

"So how was Christmas apart from ... the obvious" Gillie shouts over the music.

Katie holds her left hand out, "amazing, I'm the future Mrs. Yammouni!" she gushes whilst James looks at her with a smile on his face.

"It was good babe!" I call out, "Me and Luke became parents to our new puppy Tink!" I smile, getting a picture of her on my phone like a proud parent.

I snap a few more pictures of us on my phone and on Luke's camera, more for the wall in my bedroom.

I look at my phone, its 11.00pm, nearly there!

I stand up to grab myself a drink whilst everyone shouts their orders out.

"JAGERBOMB?" Jai shouts.

Everyone nods so I start making them up as they all stand up to grab them. Aaron passes again and we get him to take a photo of us, the typical 'look at us drinking shots' pose and he joins in with the shots as well. No matter how many of these that I drink I still never get used to it.

"SAMBUCAAAAA?" James shouts.

Jesus, what were these boys trying to do?! But I am not a wuss and I will take on the boys.

So 2 jagerbombs, 3 sambucas and a apple sourz later, I'm feeling pretty drunk, dancing like a looney and it's 11.50pm.

Jai runs over and picks me up over his shoulder.

"NO!" I squeal trying to cover my modesty as he runs around the garden with me. James picks Katie up and copies as we're all squealing. Everyone else is cheering as two flappers girls are being flung around, I myself feel a teeny bit sick! They finally put us down as I see Luke has recorded the whole thing, he's still recording.

"I love you" I say to the camera and he turns it off.

"I love you too gorgeous" he smiles as he slips his arm round my waist.

I hear Aaron on his microphone he's hooked up to his sound system. "It's 11.57 guys, grab your loved ones, grab a random you're wanting to pull, grab anything ready to see in 2014!"

I look round at my friends; James and Katie are stood together her arms round his neck and his arms round her waist look in each other eyes. Beau and Gillie are cuddled up, Jai's got his arm around Georgia because he promised to look after her and Skips just stood on his own.

Luke gets his camera out and starts filming as his watch hits 11.58.

He films our friends and they all wave and blow kisses and just generally act up, making me giggle. He goes over to Skip and whispers something; Skip looks over at me and nods. Strange. Skip takes the camera and points it at me as Luke walks over and wraps his arms around me,

"Luke, I love you so much. I'm so glad I met you, we are forever!" I look up into his eyes, "Me, you and our baby Tink, a little family. I can't wait till June till I can see you graduate and shout about us from the rooftop."

"2014 is our year baby" he smiles down at me, "I love you so much it hurts"

Everyone around us is chanting "10 ... 9 ..." we join in "8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2"

I look up to him "ONE" I shout as his lips come crashing down on mine and the sky is lit with fireworks. He kisses me passionately whilst holding me close to him.

I look up and smile at him.

"Forever" I mouth and he mouths it back.

I lay my head on his chest when I feel him nudging me; I look up at him and then follow his line of direct and look over. I am honestly shocked! I look over at Skip and his face has fallen and he's turned the camera off.

Shit. That was the last thing I thought I'd ever see.

Georgia kissing Jai.


I can smell the drama!! 💖 Ahhh. What does everyone think?
Does everyone like how it's going or do you think it should go a different way?!



Ps I'm not one of these that is like 150 votes for next chapter but if you're reading please vote and comment. Thanks you.

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