Chapter 64 - Another Break Up?!

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Chapter 64 – Another Break Up?!

Tonight was Saturday night, the night the boys were going to see Lil Wayne in Sydney. I was home alone with my pj’s on cuddling my dog and tomorrow was mine and Luke’s 1 year anniversary. Great.

My phone started ringing, “Hello?” I answer.

“Hey, since the boys are away do you want me to come round?” Katie replies.

“Sure, you can do, I’m not doing anything. Georgia should be home soon aswell” I say. Me and Georgia had made up the next day, she said she was sorry she flipped but she knows how Luke was feeling but as my best friend she couldn’t let me suffer. I hadn’t seen Luke, I had seen everyone else though but I hadn’t been to work. I just couldn’t face it, Jai had told me Kelly had sent the video which makes me think that Jason was in on it too.

“Okay, I’m on my way round” she laughs and we hang up.

This past week (well 5 days) had been so hard, everywhere I looked there were pictures of me and Luke, his smell was everywhere and his hoodies. I was surprised that he hadn’t sent someone round for his stuff but I slept hugging his jumper every night. He hadn’t tweeted any more horrible things just that we’d broken up and he didn’t want anyone to talk about it because he was hurting. I’d done the same, I couldn’t face talking about it although I had received lots of tweets saying but what about Luke’s keek on Kayla’s account. I went on and he had uploaded a keek off mine saying something like “Hey guys, it’ Halloween and we’re very drunk! This is sort of like a keek war but not quite because this is just to say in 7 days I’ve been with the girl of my dreams for a YEAR, a whole year. I love you so much!” needless to say I’d cried buckets but hadn’t deleted it.

Gina had text me saying she was disappointed but how could she hate me, she had a lot of love for me. I hadn’t seen her but she said we should go out for dinner one night. I’d been texting Beau and Jai but hadn’t seen them, I’d been excluding myself from things, why should Luke not see his friends because of me? I know if he knew I was going out with them so he wouldn’t turn u, it was the least I could do.

The front door opens and Katie comes through,

“Hey babe” she smiles, her smile falters when she sees me, “in the nicest way possible, you look awful!”

“Hello to you too!” I frown.

She sits down next to me, as the door opens and Georgia comes in.

“Honey, I’m home!” she calls out.

“We’re in here” I call back.

“I’ve bought pizzaaaaa” she says walking in with two pizzas.

“Nice, well done you” Katie smiles opening one of the boxes, Georgia brings in plates and some cans of coke.

“Can we have one rule tonight?” I ask, “No happy boy talk, I’m really sorry I just can’t face it”

The girls nod in agreement.

“But only if you do something for us?” Georgia says.

“Sure” I reply.

“Eat” she looks at me sternly.

“I agree with Georgia babe, you look like you’ve not seen food for a year” Katie says.

“I just can’t stomach it, I’ll try” I promise.

I pick up a piece of pepperoni pizza and put it on a plate. I nibble at it slowly.

“How are you really though?” Katie asks, shovelling pizza into her mouth.

I shrug, “I’m heartbroken to say the least. I’ve text Luke and he’s not replied. Have either of you seen him?”

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