Chapter 54 - Trouble In Paradise?

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Chapter 54 - Trouble in Paradise

I was dreading going into my placement again today, my alarm blared and I turned it off and groaned.

"That's not like you not to jump out of bed!" Luke says wrapping his arms around me.

"I know" I sigh.

"What's wrong?" he asks as I wriggle round to face him.

"Nothing" I lie, "Just tired! So much excitement in our lives recently, the baby, holiday and Jay Sean messaging you! And I hate not seeing you during the day, I miss you!"

He kisses me, "I miss you too, we'll have a day just me and you and no interruptions soon, I promise, but if you don't get up now you'll be late!"

I roll out of bed and pin my hair up ready for a quick shower.

"You know I think you're beautiful, right?" he grins, I shoot him a grin back as I go to the bathroom.

I pull into the school car park; it's starting to become a lot warmer now so I've got a dress on and wedges, my hair in a big messy bun. We get out the car and he pulls me into a hug and leans against my car.

"So are there any fit girls in your class?" I ask Luke.

"Urm, yeah a few" he smiles, I shoot him daggers.

"I'm joking!" He pulls me even closer and kisses my neck, "You know I only have eyes for you, you smell amazing by the way"

I laugh, I stop when I see Jason's car pull in.

"Thanks. Do you actually have girls in your class though?" I ask, a bit of jealousy tugging in my stomach.

"Yeah, but don't worry they all know I'm off limits. Our project on the first day was to tell everyone about ourselves and show some photo's we'd taken so I obviously spoke about you! And I may have shown a photo" he laughs.

"Gee, thanks Luke!" I gasp.

"A few people said you were well fit I was well proud!" he smirks.

I giggle. "Right, I've gotta go, see you here after college?"

"Don't forget we're filming!" he says kissing over my face.

"I haven't but I don't fancy going to the park dressed like this!" I laugh and kiss him.

"Right go!" he says turning me round and smacking my bum. "I love you!" he shouts after me.

"I love you too" I say and blow a kiss.

I take a deep breath as I enter the school and make my way to the classroom.

"Good morning Michaela" Jason says without looking at me.

"Morning" I say politely.

The children won't be arriving for the next 10 minutes and it remains frosty. The children come in and I call a register whilst Jason does whatever. I line them all up and take them to assembly and then head back to the classroom to get a coffee and to set the room up.

"Can we talk?" Jason sighs as I walk in.

"We can do ... but it might be classed as a date" I snap.

"Okay, I'm sorry! To be honest I'm just used to having everything handed to me and girls falling at my feet" he ruffles his dark hair, "I'm sorry for assuming that it could be a date, and I'm glad you stood up for yourself against me. I like that in a girl!"

"I accept your apology, but I don't want you to like me like that. I'm happy with my boyfriend and I don't need it to be awkward in here because of that" I sigh sitting at the desk.

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