Chapter 32 - Forever?

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Chapter 32 - Forever?

Luke's POV

I woke up, my head was absolutely pounding and my mouth tasted like vomit. I don't remember much after 1am but I know it was a good start to the year! I looked around, I was in Kayla's room as usual, I noticed that the duvet was off and it was replaced with a sheet because it was really warm. She wasn't cuddled up to me like usual but judging by the taste in my mouth, I knew I'd been sick during the night.

Kayla stirs and turns over, "Morning Lukey Pukey!" she smirks.

I groan "very original!" I lean over to kiss her, "erm, no I don't think so!" she pushes me away, "brush your teeth first!"

"Okay" I grin as I jump out of bed, bad move. I run to the toilet and heave over it, but it's just bile. Kayla comes in with a glass of water that I'd seen briefly on her bedside table.

"Oh god don't I'm so embarrassed!" I say shielding my face.

"Hey if you meant what you said last night about being forever then I'm going to see you worse than this! And you're going to see me worse so get used to it Pukey!!" she laughs as she sits on the bathroom floor next to me.

"I feel so rough!" I moan and the put my head over the toilet, I feel a hand stroking my back, and also a click of the camera.

"No fair" I say wiping my mouth. She giggles. "I don't even remember what happened after like 1am"

"Well let's just say Lukey Pukey, you become very affectionate when you're drunk as opposed to angry Luke I've seen!" she laughs.

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"Yeah! At other times I've seen you drunk, you've been angry and shouted and lost your temper or whatever but last night you were the complete opposite!" she smirks.

"How?" I smile.

"Telling everyone how much you loved me, that I was going to be the girl you married, you were just generally grabbing and slurring 'no-one knows how much I love this girl' before shouting SHOTS!" she giggles.

I laugh but then groan as I throw my head back over the toilet as bile comes up, I sit back against the cabinet and look back at her.

"I'm dying" I sigh.

"Can I sing at your funeral?" she jokes and pokes her tongue out.

I smirk.

"I have no reason to be angry when I'm drunk anymore; I've got my perfect little family!" I look lovingly at her. Nobody could actually comprehend how much I actually loved her!

She smiles her perfect smile towards me.

I hear my phone ring in her room, "shall I grab it?" she asks.

"Course" I cannot even move at the moment.

She gets up and runs to the bedroom, I hear her say "Hi Gina" as she walks back to the bathroom.

"Nope, he's dying on my bathroom floor at the moment" pause, "1 sec I'll ask" "Luke your mum says do you want a roast dinner plating up? Or it'll be ready at 2" I heave at the thought of food "tell her we'll be round just before 2!"

She finishes the phone call.

Eurgh. I can't even think of food right now.


Kayla's POV

I'd put Luke back in bed, with some fresh water, paracetamol and snuggling Tink, it was literally the cutest thing I'd ever seen! I'd had a shower and got ready because I couldn't be bothered chilling in my jammies all day and it was a hot one. I had a summer dress on with my hair in a messy bun, being hot and hair down was NOT a good feeling! I knocked on Georgia's door and walked in; she was dressed but lay on top of her bed, reading.

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