Chapter 58 - End of Mexico

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Chapter 58 - End of Mexico

Luke's POV

We get back to the hotel and join the rest of the gang.

"Kayla, why've you got sand in your hair?" Katie laughs. Kayla blushes and runs her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah Kaylaaa" Jai mocks but high 5's me.

"Shut up" she says sitting down in one of the 2 empty seats.

"Do you want to drink, Sandy?" I laugh.

"Yes please" she says sticking her tongue out.

I pull Jai with me.

"How did it go?!" he asks, knowing my plan, we went down there before when we'd gone shopping to ask about flowers and stuff,

"Amazing! And the waiter recorded it all!" I gush.

"Aw I'm glad man, she's a good girl. This week's gone pretty smooth considering Joe's here. He's really nice, I've got on with him" Jai admits.

"I know, she's amazing" I grin, "and yeah he's alright, we had a chat before"

"How was beach sex?" Jai says punching my shoulder.

"Amazing but weird! You should go with Georgia tonight!" I laugh.

"Are you kidding me? She's all loved up with Ryan now. I tried to talk to her before and he just come right over and took her away, I think I've lost her" he says looking in their direction.

"It's probably just a holiday fling, see how it is when you get back. You ever thought she might be doing it to get you back for using her" I point out.

"I don't use her, I just haven't committed to her" he shrugs.

"Either way just see how it goes, when we're home" I suggest picking our drinks up.

"Do you reckon you could get Kayla to have a word?" he asks.

"No chance. We're not helping anyone out yet, it always affects our relationship" I sigh.

"Fair enough bro" he says grabbing his drink and we walk back to our table.

Kayla and Lee are in deep conversation, it's going to be hard for her saying bye to him and Joe tomorrow. She looks round when she feels my presence.

"I hear congratulations are in order?" Lee smiles.

"Thanks man" I grin.

"My mum wants to meet you soon though" he says.

"Great, I'd love to meet her!" I say sincerely.

"You should come over for New Year, I'll show you how we party in Manchester!" he laughs.

"Yeah that would be good" Kayla nods, "Don't feel pressured though, you don't have to" she smiles at me.

"I don't that would be good, we'll look at tickets when we get back. I'd love to see round Manchester and see where Kayla grew up and meet her friends!" I wink at her.

"That's sorted then!" they both say.

Freddie and Ryan come back with shots of sambuca, "here's to the end of an amazing holiday and we should do it next year!" we raise our shots and down them.

"You alright Skiplet?" Kayla asks.

"Yeah" he smiles, "just missing Alfie,"

"N'awwwwwwww" everyone choruses.

"Oh yeah, congrats to you and Aly" Freddie says to him. We hadn't seen him much when we were home, I know him and Kayla met up a few times for a coffee and he'd come round to see her but not as much as when Lee was there.

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