Chapter 22 - Another Romance?

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Chapter 22 - Another Romance?

On the Thursday, Gillie drove to my house unexpectedly. She knocked on the door and yelled surprise, I nearly cried with happiness. Apparently Luke had set it all up. He'd taken her number from my phone and texted her! The sneaky boy. I wondered why he said he was busy this morning and left early. We sat and chatted for hours, it was like we'd known each other for years. She was gorgeous; she had long auburn hair and bright blue eyes and was dressed amazing in a blue shirt with white dots on a black skater skirt.

She heard all about the going ons since I'd gotten to Australia, looking back a lot had gone on and it wasn't even Christmas yet! She told me not a lot had gone on in her life and that she had knuckled down in Uni and was taking an extra class of photography.

"It's so good to hear someone with an English accent!" she laughed.

"Yeah I know what you mean!" I smile. "I haven't even spoken to anyone from home for a while and definitely not as much as I should have!"

"That's true. So ... Beau and Jai are the only single ones in the group?" she raises her eyebrows.

I laugh "sure are! Here I'll show you some pictures of them!"

I got out my phone and flick through the pictures of us all.

"Beau's well fit! You and Luke are such a cute couple, you've been through a rough patch but you've come out fighting, it shows how much you love each other. It would be weird if I got to know Jai, he looks exactly like you're boyfriend but you need to introduce me to Beau" she winks.

"Shall we go now?" I smile.

She blushes and nods, "I was joking...."

"No you wasn't! Hang on I'll call Luke and make sure they're home." I smirk.


We pull up outside the Brook's house.

"You ready? They can be a bit too much when they're all together! Although Luke said it was only them 3 at home" I smile.

She nods.

Before I can even make it half way up the drive, Luke's come out and picked me up.

"Did you like your surprise?" he smirks and kisses my lips.

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" I say kissing him back.

He puts me down and puts his arm around my waist.

"Hey, I'm Luke" he smiles towards Gillie.

She smiles back, "hey"

"She wants to see Beau" I whisper but loud enough for her to hear.

"Kayla!" she blushes.

Luke laughs. "Well it's your lucky day because he's in the front room and Jai's upstairs." He leads us both into his house.

Beau's sat on the 2 seater leaving the 3 seater free.

"Little Beau peep!" I laugh and hug him.

"Hey you!" he laughs.

"This is my friend Gillie" I smile at him.

"O-Oh hey, I'm Beau" his eyes are practically popping out, me and Luke smirk at each other.

Luke pulls me to the 3 seater he lays his head in my lap and lies across the sofa.

"You'll have to sit next to Beau" I smile, very subtle Kayla, I laugh to myself.

"Can we watch a film?" I look down at Luke. "Do you have time to watch a film?" I look over at Gillie.

She nods.

Luke gets up and puts Mean Girls into the DVD player. He kisses my lips again and lays back with his head in my lap, I play with his hair.

"Don't worry" Beau says to Gillie, "you'll get used to them two!"

She chuckles "It's cute!"

Luke gets up, "Would you like a drink Gillie?"

"Yes please" she smiles.

"And me cunt!" Beau says.

Luke pulls me up, "you'll have to come with me" he smirks.

"Of course" I reply, looking at Gille.

She looks at me like "Gee, thanks Kayla!" I can smell the sarcasm.


Gillie's POV

Luke's pulling Kayla up. They're so cute together!

"You'll have to come with me" I see a smirk raise on his lips.

"Of course" Kayla replies looking at me.

OH shit, I'm going to be left alone with the GOD that is Beau Brooks. I'm nervous. What do I say? What do I do? Oh no, I do worry too much.

They are so sneaky! It's probably why they're amazing together! Wait, isn't this how they got Skip and Georgia together? They should set up their own dating agency! I felt so bad when Kayla was telling about her and Luke's massive fight when she drunkenly kissed Jai. It seems that everyone's happy again now though. She's so worried about if anything gets out in school but it'll be fine, it seems even though they've been together for less than a week, they're love is stronger than anything else. Jai is such a pig though for doing that. And Beau ...

"Penny for your thoughts?" a voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Sorry! Just thinking over everything that Kayla's been telling me this morning really" I admit.

"So much has gone on! She's handled it all so well though! I admire her, she's like a sister to me to be honest" he smiles. Ah, he so beautiful and so cute.

I smile back.

"So you thinking of coming down here often?" he smiles, "it would be good to see you again" he's blushing "maybe we could swap numbers?"

I blush too.

"That would be nice"

The door flung open.

"YAYYYY!!" Kayla shouts.

"Babe, we need to become professionals in this thing!" Luke says to Kayla, giving me and Beau a drink.

"Agreed!" she smiles as she sits back where she was and he lays his head in her lap again.

Cute. I need to be in a couple like this.

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