Chapter 57 - Mexico #2

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Chapter 57 - Mexico Part 2

Luke POV

It's the last day of our holiday and I can say I've had an amazing time. Everyone's looking bronzed! Thankfully and surprisingly there have been no arguments between any of us, but there is still a day left so I think I've just jinxed us.

We've spend our days by the pool, joining in with the games and we've been on quad bikes, booze cruise and different excursions and our evenings watching the hotel entertainment or evening excursions. We've all stayed together and even though Jai's been in our room as well, me and Kayla have had some alone time.

Tonight, I'm taking her to a beach restaurant just me and her and then will meet the others for the entertainment at the hotel.

Georgia and Jai have had drunken kisses but then last night she kissed Ryan, Jai wasn't happy about it, but they weren't together so he couldn't say anything. Katie and James were still loved up but I know Katie hadn't asked James about the nude pic rumours, I think she was just waiting till after the holiday.

Beau and Gillie are closer because they don't normally spend this much time together at home so being together fully for a week was good. Skip was being well ... Skip. The little gremlin had been very well behaved so far and was just getting involved with the lad banter with Lee, Joe, Freddie, Mark, Chad and Ryan which was good for him.

Joe being here was alright actually. It had been over a year since their break up, you could still see the love he had for her. You could also see her love for him but it was a different love now. I hadn't spoken to him that much but Kayla had made sure we hadn't done too much PDA because it would make it awkward, I had to respect that.

I didn't want to go home! We were round the pool all sunbathing, getting any last minute rays.

"Luke, shall we go and get some souvenirs for mum, nonna and nonno?" Jai asks.

"Yeah course" I say getting up, we had to take a little something back, after all they'd paid for us to come here. Kayla and the girls, being organised, had already done there's. "Back in a bit babe" I say kissing Kayla's head.

"Okay, please can you bring me some iced water back?" she asks.

"Yup" I smile.

"Might as well bring us all some back" Georgia pipes up.

"If you're lucky!" I mutter.

Joe's POV

This had been a really good week, it brought back happy memories. When me and Kayla had got together I'd become good friends with Lee because we were together for so long. I know he felt awkward asking me to come but it hadn't been too bad, if I forget the fact I've had to watch the love of my life frolic round with her new boyfriend. No that's a lie, it had been bearable because I knew she was trying her hardest not to kiss and cuddle in front of me. It was weird though because I'd rarely seen her since we'd broke up it felt weird seeing her but with a new boyfriend that wasn't so new because it had nearly been a year.

Everyone's splashing around in the pool and Luke and Jai went to the shop a while ago. Kayla gets out, she's wearing a silver glittery bikini, that shows off her newly tanned skin. I follow her out and flop down on the sun bed next to her.

"Thank you" I say looking at her.

"What for?" she says turning to look at me.

"For being considerate of my feelings" I smile.

"No problem, it's the least I could do. Why did you come if you knew I'd be here with Luke?" she asks, wrinkling her nose.

"Because I'd rather see you and Luke than not seen you" I shrug.

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