Chapter 21 - Who Is This Other Girl?

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Chapter 21 - Who Is This Other Girl?

I woke up cuddled into Luke again. He was right I could get used to this. I slide out of bed and headed to the bathroom but not before I’d taken a picture of him since he was still snoring away. I giggled to myself.

I came back till in PJ’s but my teeth and hair were brushed and I had a bit of make up on. I was picking out my outfit when I heard Luke say “I’ll get you back for that photo”

I laugh, “we’ll see!”

I lie back down with facing him and he turns to face me.

“Luke, about school ...”

He sighs.

“It’s got to be said. No-one can know about whatever this is that’s going on between us. My Uni placement is the reason why I’m even in Australia and if I get kicked off the course I’m not sure Georgia’s parents will let me live here and I’ll have to go back to England. I don’t want to lose you again but we just need to be careful.” I garble.

“Okay! I understand. But on that note ..... will you be my girlfriend?” he asks and he’s nervous.


I look at him and he actually looks worried.

“Of course I will, you big idiot!”

I roll over so I’m sat on him and he’s lay down.

“Good! I just had to check and to reassure you won’t lose me! You are mine” he laughs as his eyes flicker to the ‘love’ bite on my neck.

“Did I ever tell you, you look amazing in my bed shirtless” I smile.

“No, but you can show me” he murmurs.

I lean down to kiss his lips, his hands are stroking my legs. My hands are resting on his chest and I press my lower half into him. I feel his heartbeat faster under my hands “don’t tease me like that” he mutters. I move my kisses to his chin, then his neck, I nip, lick and kiss my way down his body to I reach his boxers. I hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

My phone rings.

“Oh for fucks sake” he groans as I move to get it. “ Leave it!”

“I can’t its Georgia’s ring tone! I haven’t heard from her since we dropped her off at Skip’s.”


“Hey babe, please can you pick me up from Skip’s?”

“You’re still there? You stayed overnight? Oh did you ....?”

She giggles down the phone.

“Oh jesus! Okay, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”

Luke looks up “what’s happened?”

“Georgia and Skip had sex!” my mouth is gaping open.

“Well least someone is!” he pouts.

I smack him lightly, “Shut up, are you coming with me to rescue her or what?”

“Okay, but can you drop me off at home on the way back; I can’t bear to hear your girly gossip about Skip!”

I laugh, “okay”

I slip my joggers on and Luke’s jumper from the other day and my converse.

“You look good baby!”

“Don’t joke, come on” I say pulling him with me.

As we drive to Skip, I can feel Luke’s eyes on me.

“What?” I smile.

“How did I get you?”

“Erm how did I get you more like?”

We pull up outside Skip’s and wait for Georgia to come out.

My phone beeps.

From: Gillie

‘So when are we finally meeting up?! I need to hear all the goss! x’

I smile to myself.

“Another guy I need to fight for you?” Luke asks only half joking.

“Shut up, you know it’s only you for me! No, it’s my friend Gillie” I say explaining how I know her.

“You should definitely meet up, that would be good! I can come with you if you like?”

“Awww that’s sweet!” I smile.

Skips front door opens and Georgia steps out and her and Skip kiss.

Luke beeps the horn, and then looks at me. “Just interrupting like she does for us”

I laugh.

She’s definitely got a glow about her!

“Oh hey Luke, didn’t know you’d be here” she says awkwardly as she gets in the car and I drive off.

“Don’t worry I’m getting dropped off now so you can talk about sexy time, WHICH BY THE WAY GEORGIA HEWITT I HAVE NOT HAD SINCE YOU KEEP INTERRUPTING ANYTIME WE GET NEAR IT!!”

I burst out laughing.

“Oh wow Luke, clearly sexually frustrated.” She hides her laughter.

“Clearly” he mutters.

“So did he tell you? What was is?” I ask her about the Skip being weird thing.

“Yeah, he said that his ex was texting him and annoying him and it was nothing for me to worry about it was just annoying him because she wouldn’t take no for an answer” she explained.

Luke looked up, I could see him jaw twitching.

“Did he say who it was?” I ask pulling up outside Luke’s house.

“No, but he did say he loved me” she grins.

Luke groans.

Okay so there is obviously something more but if Georgia is happy then I’m not going to burst her bubble.

“See you later babe” he grins, kissing my lips.


Skip’s POV

My phone buzzed so I picked it up.


“Why didn’t you tell her the full story?!” Luke shouted.


“Mate, I was just in the car when Kayla picked Georgia up she doesn’t know who it is or the extent of what’s happened! She doesn’t know you kissed her!’ I can tell he’s raging.

“I can’t it’ll break her heart! What do you care anyway?” I ask, I’m feeling so guilty.

“Because your girlfriend is my girlfriends best friend and Kayla knows something else is going on, she isn’t buying your ‘she won’t leave me alone’ story!!, I swear to God if this affects my relationship then you’re gonna regret it”

He hangs up.

Maybe now isn’t the right time that 5 minutes before Georgia showed up, she’s just left my house. I was a man, I needed sex. I didn’t think Georgia was gonna put out tonight so I’d agreed to meet up with her.

What had I done?

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