Chapter 18 - Will You Stay With Me?

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Chapter 18 - Will You Stay With Me?

Luke's POV

I heard Kayla saying 'be right back guys, I need the toilet' I need to talk to her. When she sang that song, it was emotional. I told Macy I had to go and just came home. I'm so silly. So I wait outside the bathroom, which is a bit creepy, but I don't want to miss her.

She opens the door and just stares at me.

"I was hoping it would be you" I say sheepishly.

"What do you want?" she says biting on her lip.

Deep breath Luke.

"Please can we talk?" I plead.

She nods her head and I lead her in to my room and we sit on the bed, I sit with my back against the wall and she sits at the side of me cross legged.

She looks over at me with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Luke"

"That song you sang before. It really hit home. This thing with Macy, she told me you'd told her to ask me out so I said yeah to annoy you, but then when we spoke about it again and she told me that she'd only told you it was me when you walked out."

"I r-really..." she started.

"Let me finish. Seeing you kiss Jai really hurt me but I could have handled it better... a lot better. What I said to you in the woods, is unforgivable. But I'm hoping we can forgive and forget together because I really, really like you. I can't go one whole day without thinking about you, about your smile, about your eyes."

I pull her so she's straddling my lap, facing me. She nods. "I forgive you Luke, I really do. I deserved what you said in the woods but I like you too. So much" She blushes.

She looks at me for a couple of seconds, those green eyes finally getting some sparkle back. She leans in kissing me with those soft lips. They taste like mint because she's just brushed her teeth but it's nice and refreshing. The kiss gets more passionate as she parts her lips allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. She's got both hands under my t-shirt and my hands are on the tops of her thighs near her butt pulling her close to me. My tongue is wrestling with hers before she slips her tongue into my mouth.

"Kayla?" the door bursts open. "Oh, erm, oops! Sorry!"

Kayla breaks the kiss, her face flushes.

"Sorry!" says Beau awkwardly as he backs out the door.

We hear him shout "found her, pre-occupied" a couple of seconds later we hear a cheer.

She giggles.

She kisses my lips again and snuggles into my chest.


"mmmhmm" she answers.

"Will you stay with me tonight? I ask nervously.

She looks up and smiles at me, "Of course, I'm tired now actually."

She moves off my lap and gets under the covers, I get in beside her and she snuggles into me, my arm is wrapped underneath her and her head is resting on my shoulder.

We chat for a while, talking about our families but her voice is slowing down and I can tell she's tired.

"I missed you Luke" she says sleepily into my chest.

"I missed you too beautiful" I admit and kiss her hair. "Good night."


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