Chapter 56 - Mexico

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Chapter 56 - Mexico

A/N - I checked and the flight between Melbourne and Cancun and it's just over 18 hours. It's my story ... so therefore my rules and the flight is now going to take 6 hours ;)

Love, Kayla x

P.S this is a longish chapter ;) and has 2 more parts!

"Wake up baby, its holiday time!" Luke whispers in my ear.

I flutter my eyelids open to his grinning face, I instantly grin back. Our bags are packed and by the door and everyone was meeting here in a few hours to get the taxi to the airport.

The last two weeks had been amazing, everyone was happy and getting along. The Monday after Denise's party, I'd gone into placement, Jason had a black eye, I presume off Kelly. We hadn't spoken about what had happened at the party and I didn't want to. It was pretty obvious there was nothing else going to happen. It was a strictly professional relationship now. We'd done so much holiday shopping in the past few weeks, I think I had a different bikini for every day and just packed lots of dresses.

I got up and had a shower with Luke; I had to make the most of him because the rooms at the hotel were rooms of 3 so unfortunately each couple had to go with a singleton! Pretty awkward but it's the only way round it! So it was me, Luke and Jai in one room, Katie, Georgia and James in another and Beau, Gillie and Skip in the other one. I hadn't seen Gillie for a while which was sad but she'd been so busy and the photo shoot that me and Luke had been invited to had been cancelled till just after the holiday.

I got dressed into my comfy outfit of leggings, a crop top and converse, my hair was in a big messy bun. We went downstairs and double checked we had everything, all chargers and tickets and passports.

Rose had made us a full cooked breakfast, so we'd sat and had breakfast with Rose, Jim and Georgia.

"So you girls behave yourself!" Jim tells us.

"As always!" I smile.

"Stay together and don't leave anyone on their own, you lot are pretty girls and in a foreign country" Rose joins in with the rules.

"You think I'm a pretty girl?" Luke smiles fluttering his eyelashes.

"I think you are the prettiest girl" she laughs.

"Have I got some competition for my girlfriend here?" I fake shock.

"All jokes aside, Rose is right. Stick together, don't drink too much, make sure you put your sun screen on and drink plenty of water" Jim says telling us more rules.

"Yes sir!" Georgia giggles.

We're all sat round in the airport, we've been delayed for 4 hours, but nothing can put a dampener on our holiday, so we do what we do best ... and get started on the alcohol! We're having a laugh and everyone's in high spirits.

I see Beau nudge Skip and they both look over my head. As I turn to see someone covers my eyes. What the fuck?!

"DID SOMEONE SAY MEXICOOO?!?!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

"Freddie!!!" I say jumping up and jumping on him. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Thank the boys, they invited us!" he smiles.

"US?" I shout.

"Yeah, hey!" Mark smiles, Mr Muscles himself, standing next to him is Chad and Ryan.

"Oh my god, are you joking?!"

"Nope, we're all going!" they grin.

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" Georgia joins in.

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