Chapter 46 - Together

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Chapter 46 - Together

Me and Georgia were sat at the Hewitt's dining table eating Chinese with Jim and Rose.

"So are you sure you're okay?" Rose asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so glad Luke was there when he was otherwise it would of got worse." I smile.

"So what do you think will happen between you and Luke now?" Georgia smirks.

"Well everyone knows I still love him, and he finally pulled through for me but it depends how he feels" I smile.

"What about Freddie?" Jim asks.

I shrug. "It was fun whilst it lasted; I've called him to come round later actually."

"Oh girls, we forgot to tell you, we've booked our cruise for next month! You need to think about booking your holiday!" Rose cuts in.

"Yay! That's fab. Yes we definitely do! There's just been so much going on but we'll get everyone together and discuss it!" I grin at Georgia.

We finish our meal and I was washing the pots and Georgia was drying.

"Kayla, Freddie's here" Jim calls from the front door.

I dry my hands and walk to the door.

"Hey Freddie" I smile giving him a hug and grab his hand and lead him up to my room. We sit opposite each other on my bed.

"Lee told me what happened! Are you okay?" he asks concerned. Since becoming friends Lee had started staying at Freddie's, he'd seen more of him than I had which I was glad because it meant he would come out sooner again as well.

"Yeah I'm fine, thankfully" I smile, I do genuinely care for him, he's very attractive and maybe at another time he'd be absolutely perfect but right now my heart belongs to Luke.

"Thank God!" he says hugging me in to him.

"Freddie..." I start. He leans over and kisses me as if his life depends on it. He pulls away and grins.

"I know what's coming; Lee told me who rescued you. I do understand!" he smiles.

"I am sorry! I have enjoyed the last few weeks with you, honestly, and when my brother goes home I do hope you stay in contact with me!" I smile back.

"Yeah of course, I've enjoyed them too. You are an amazing girl, Luke is lucky to have you and thanks for that last kiss!" he winks cheekily.

"Luke doesn't have me yet, but I just know that I'm meant to be with him." I blush.

"N'awwww!" he laughs, "Anyway get all your friends together and we can have a leaving meal for Lee, tomorrow? I'll text you the details and I'll invite some other people he's got to know."

"Okay, deal!" I grin.

"Well, I better get going, I'm sure you and Luke have some making up to do! And I now have a little party to organise." He says standing up.

I mimic his actions and stand up as well; he takes me into his arms in a big hug and kisses my head.

"It's been fun!" he says.

"It definitely has! I've got pictures to put up on my wall of the zoo!" I giggle.

"Oh God!" he says covering his face.

I laugh and we head downstairs.

"See ya!" he smiles.

"Bye" I wave him off.

"Fancy a run?" I shout to Georgia.

"Erm, not really!" she shouts back.

I walk through and she's eating ice cream.

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