Chapter 7 - Rumours

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Chapter 7 - Rumours

After music there was a 15 minute break and then I had English with Georgia and the other year 12’s. I don’t think I can handle seeing both twins straight after the other. I headed into the staff room to get a cup of tea and sat down round the table, knowing after English I had lunch and two free periods to complete my Uni work, I might just go home and work from there, I thought to myself. I checked my phone and I had 2 minutes to get to class. I finish my tea and washed my cup through and headed to Room 5. I pass a couple of students and they are all staring at me, do I have something on my face?

I took the seat behind my desk and I noticed there was a note on my desk. Oh shit, I hadn’t even replied to Luke’s other one yet. I wonder what he’d put in this one?

I opened it up and gasped.


I crumpled it up and through it in the bin. Stay away from him? He was always the one running into me; I’d never initiated conversation with him. Was this from Luke? Or someone else? The bell rang making me jump and Mrs. Jones and the students headed in. I seen Daniel come in and he give me a big grin, followed by Luke who didn’t even look once my way. That’s strange.

Georgia came in looking desperate to tell me something but it would have to wait because Mrs. Jones had told them to partner into pairs of one boy and one girl and discuss Romeo and Juliet and discuss the following question -

‘Compare and contrast the characters of Romeo and Juliet. How do they develop throughout the play? What makes them fall in love with one another?’

They had all lesson to do this and then write up their full report as homework. I wandered round the room stopping at Daniel, he was partnered with a girl named Charlotte much to my dismay that he wasn’t with Georgia.

“How you feeling?” he asked.

“Sore” I laugh. “my body is so bruised!”

Charlotte looks confused.

“I was running yesterday when Jai literally ran into me knocking me off my feet and my body literally slammed into the ground, it’s fine though.” I fill her in.

She rolls her eyes at me, “oh so it wasn’t having sex with Jai then?!”

I remember the conversation from Drama, and laugh “no not at all! I don’t know who told you that, but I was definitely there and it was definitely not that.”

“Oh okay, sorry that’s what I’ve been told” she looks sympathetic.

“I was definitely there and I would of remembered if sexy time happened” Daniel grins.

I get up and walk off to see Georgia beckoning me over, I walk over and sit on the edge of the desk, “what’s up?”

“So everyone’s saying that you and Jai slept together last night and that’s how you got hurt and then today in music Jai sang a song to you in front of everyone!” she whispers loudly.

Her partner Joel looked very interested in this girly gossip, I shot my eyebrows up at him and he started pretending to write.

My cheeks flush “the last bits true but I had no idea until it happened but you know for a fact nothing happened last night! You were there! How the hell does everyone know?”

“My one guess would be Alyssandra, but I heard just by word of mouth” she shrugs.

“What’s she got against me? I’ve barely spoke to her!” I frown.

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