Chapter 16 - We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together

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Chapter 16 - We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together

Lukes POV

On Friday, Macy had asked to meet with me at the end of the school day, which was weird. I only really spoke to her in English. She was a nice girl, I liked her as a friend, don't get me wrong, but I never had any interest in girls but I always got the vibe that she liked me more than a friend.

"Hey Luke" she said as I walked up to her, she looked nervous.

"Hey Macy, what's up?" I say.

"Well, erm, oooh I'm nervous, I've never done this before but would you want to come and hang out with me? Like, just us two? Oh god, I feel stupid now! I knew you wouldn't! But Kayla told me to ask the boy to hang out with me but I knew you wouldn't want to" she gabbles and then sighs.

Kayla?! What the hell was she playing at?

"Wait, what has Kayla got to do with this?" I muttered.

"Well yesterday I was nervous about asking you so I asked her for advice and she told me to go for it."

Hmmm, I wonder if she knew it was me that Macy was on about? I couldn't ask her but I'd make sure she knew.

"Yeah sure" I smiled easily.

"Yay okay! I'll text you the details" she practically squealed.

So here I was somehow bringing her back to mine because she wouldn't get the hint to leave. We'd been to Hungry Jack's for lunch and just chatted. She was actually a really nice girl, but I wasn't sure I was ready for girlfriend that wasn't Kayla. Macy had invited me out in a group thing tomorrow night, to a Karaoke bar. I didn't sing in public but since I wasn't really hanging with the boys anymore I accepted her offer and told her I'd love too. It was a group thing after all. One thing had come up during our 'date' was the whole Kayla conversation apparently Kayla had asked her as she was leaving who it was. So she hadn't known, now I felt bad, which I shouldn't because she kissed my brother!

I open the front door and I can hear everyone laughing and joking, glad they're missing me, I thought to myself sarcastically. I'll try and sneak her upstairs but head to the kitchen first to get a drink and look into the front room. Jai's got Kayla over his shoulder and she's laughing, I love that laugh and that smile but when they all turn to look at me, I get worried. She can't know I've been out with Macy, I look worried as Jai places Kayla on the floor and she looks at me. She looks guilty at the fact that she's been having fun with Jai but I knew she didn't like him like that, Katie had come round one night with James to see Beau and Luke, and she'd used the toilet and then come into the room shouting at me about Kayla and at how much she liked me. I just couldn't forget the fact she'd kissed my twin.

"Hey bro" Jai says.

"Hi" I say, struggling with everything going on.

"Hey everyone!" Macy moves the doorway next to me.

Kayla's face falls and she pales, "Excuse me a minute" she says, not bringing her eyes up to meet anyone as she brushes past me and out the front door.

"Nice one dickhead!" Jai shouts at me as he follows her.

I really was going to lose her.

"Macy, I think you should go babe." Katie says, voicing everyone's mind. "Sorry! We're just having family troubles at the moment."

"Family?" Macy asks confused.

"Yeah we all look to each as family, we're like a little family" Georgia explains.

"Oh, erm, okay? I'll see you tomorrow or something Luke?" she kissing my cheek.

I literally cannot move my face or even smile as I see her out the door.

"Bye" I call.

I'm so glad there was no school next week, thankfully. It was school holidays.

As I come to the front room again, Kayla and Jai aren't back and James hits me round the head. "You're such a knobhead" he says.

Like I don't feel bad enough.


Jai's POV

"Nice one dickhead!" I shouted at Luke before I ran past him to catch up to Kayla.

I wonder what he was playing at, he never brought a girl home never.

"Kayla!" I shouted, but I followed the sound of her crying.

I wrapped her in a big hug being careful and mindful of the promise I made to her.

I pulled her to the ground with me as sobs racked her body. My t-shirt was getting wet but I didn't care and we just sat there for 5 minutes, I stroked her hair and shushed until she finally became all cried out.

"He's such a dick" I tell her.

"It's my fault" she sniffles.

"No, not at all, it's not!' when will she forgive herself?

"No, not because of what happened between me and you but because Macy asked for my advice on boys and I told her only I didn't know it was Luke she was talking about!"

She sat up, mascara down her face, eyes puffy looking so broken.

I wanted to cry myself, this couldn't carry on.

"Don't blame yourself, you wasn't to know!" I wiped the mascara from her cheeks.

My phone beeped,

From: James

'Macy's gone, Luke's in his room. Have you found her?'

"James has just said the coast is clear, shall we go back?"

She nodded and I jumped up and helped her up.

"Thanks Jai" she gives a half smile and kisses me on the cheek.

"What are friends for?" I link through her arm.

As soon as we get into the house everyone engulfs her in hugs.

"Guys, I was thinking we need to have some fun! There's an invite from Bar 22 saying they're having a karaoke night tomorrow, who fancies it?" I say.

Everyone looks at me and we all agree.

Tomorrow night, karaoke.



Katies twitter is @lukesblondebit_. -my little sister ;)

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