Chapter 47 - Lee's Going Home

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Chapter 47 - Lee's Going Home

I wake up and the sun is shining. I start my final placement in 5 days, and I can't actually wait. The grip around my waist tightens and I hear Luke murmur "Good morning"

I smile to myself and wriggle round to face him. "Morning" I say pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I've missed that!" he sighs, eyes still closed.

"What? My morning breath?!" I laugh.

He smirks, "Erm, no, that I can live without!"

I playfully smack his shoulder.

"We do need to talk though Luke" I frown.

"I know" he says fluttering his eyes open.

"What happened yesterday? What did you do to Teddy?" I ask, quite frightened, I know what Luke's temper is like.

"We all went round and he was in his house, we stayed silent and he opened the door, he tried to shut it in our faces but Skip put his foot in the door. He ran but we managed to get him on the floor and I punched him in the face over and over till Beau pulled me off telling me that was enough." He admits not making eye contact.

I stare at him in silence. Shit.

"He said he doesn't really remember anything, he'd been on some sort of drugs, he remembers bits but not fully. He said he was truly sorry but Jai told him never to talk to any of us again because we didn't want anything to do with him."

I bite my lip in, tears welling in my eyes. I couldn't believe I'd caused drama again.

"Kayla, don't cry! It's not your fault, you didn't ask for this! He should of kept his dirty paws off you, it makes me feel sick that he nearly ... raped you" His face pales at the end of his sentence.

"But he didn't because you were there. Thank you but can we just leave it now?" I beg.

He nods, "Okay."

"What's happening with you and Freddie?" he asks again not making eye contact.

I hold his face and tilt it towards me till he makes eye contact, "obviously not a lot if I'm lay in bed with you" I say trying to joke. "But honestly nothing, I've been on a couple of dates with him, and although it was fun, it wasn't you! He came round before I ran into you in the park and I told him that I just wanted to be friends with him because ... well because me and you were making up." I blush.

"Awww isn't that sweet! Well I am sorry for not listening to you when you told me about them tweets, I thought they were just harmless, empty threats and tweets and believe me there was nothing worse than seeing you bleed close to death and then spend 3 days in a coma to make it hit home. I love you more than I love being known, me and you it's more than a want, it's a need. I thought my world had ended when you wouldn't return my calls and then when you met up with me and I didn't hear from you, I was in a dark place." He says, entwining his fingers with mine.

"I know and I'm sorry for the part I played in this too, believe me I didn't want to hurt you I just needed to sort out where my head and heart were but they were always with you" I smile.

"Good, because I love you a lot and you aren't getting rid of me again, no matter how hard you try!" he grins.

"Oh no!" I fake shock, "But luckily I love you a lot too, probably more than you love me, just saying!" I wink, "So does this mean..."

"We are officially a couple again!" Luke grins.

"YAY! You two coming down for breakfast?!" Georgia shouts from the door.

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