Chapter 13

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*Next Day*

(Roxy's POV)

Im so tired I dont even feel like going to school but AGHHH!! I have to go. I woke up did my morning routine which requires Wake up, strip your clothes off hop in the shower and wash you hair hop out blow dry it choose outfit which was black high waisted short with a black crop top showing my stomach with a red running line the middle with white "OBEY" words on it lastly my makeup which was not to much

and VOILA! Im done.

I head downstairs and grab a Nature Valleys snack bar and headed out I hop in my Truck and stop at Starbucks. Hmmm I wonder if Austin wants some I decided to call him.

A- Hey Babe!

Me- Hey Im He~ I got cut off by Austin.


Me- Haha Goodmorning Austin anyways Im here at starbucks and I was wondering If you wanted something?

A- Awww You were thinking about me and Yeah can you get me a Orange Mango Smoothie!?

Me- Alright I'll see you at school right now

A- Alright Thanks bye

Me- Welcome and bye" Which made Austin Chuckle but I hit the end button Already Wupps! :p

I walked up to the Cashier/Employee/Worker Whatever.

"Hi can I have two Orange Mangos Smoothies Please?"

After I ordered and paid I head out and went to school I walked up to my locker and waited for Austin to come.

"Hey" this tall guy came up to me which was cute but Austins way more cute

"Um..Hey" I said unsure to talk to this guy

"My Name Is Derek" he said streching out his hand for me to take

"My name is Ro~" I was cut off.

"Roxy I know" he said Wow this guy is a Creep.

"Well Derek Do I know you?"

"No but I know you and I was wondering if you wanna get to know me better, How about you and Me go on a Date tonight?

"Um Thanks Derek for the invite but No I have a Boyfriend"

"Who Justin Mahomo?"

"Um His name Is Austin Mahone"

"Well whatever Would you go out on a Date with Me?

"I said No" trying to walk away from him

"Come on just one date" He said blocking my way

"No Now Can you Please Let Me Leave!"

"Come O~" he was cut off by someone yelling across the Hall.

"She said No Now Leave her Alone!!" walking towards are way Anger and Jealousy written all over his face (Of course it wasnt written but you get what Im saying)

Austin. Was the first thing that I saw coming towards us and He was Mad.

He shoved him out off the way and cause Derek to wabble out of being infront of me eyes were on us already

"Shes my Girlfriend she said NO NOW FREAKIN LEAVE HER ALONE BEFORE I RIP YOU IN HALF!" Austin yelled.Derek's Face was like O.O and he got scared and left on a fast pace.

Austin was still pissed I was just standing there shocked by everything I still had the two cups in my hands.

"Did He hurt you" Austin said still pissed but checking me if I was hurt moving my head checking my arms

"No" he's still checking me "No Austin I said he didnt hurt me" I said moving out of his arms. Austin moved away his arms and his face was begining to soften.

"Im sorry Babe I just got mad" he said

"Its okay Austin Just calm down Here" I said giving him his smoothie.

"Thanks Babe and I will" he wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered im my ear "I just gotta show everyone your mine" that made me smiled and blush I turned around a pecked his lips.

"Thanks Austin" I said kissing him again.

"Anything for you Babe" he said and hugged me tight.

"Uuu Alex texted me and Told me that we a Substitute for first block!"

"Okay No need to rub it in"

"No silly I was wondering if you would wanna go to my class besides Substitutes either got to sleep or they never pay attention to us so you can sneak in"


"Its Okay If you dont wanna skip first period I was just saying so you dont have to be in Mr.Hendricks Class"

"In that case nevermind the 'Umm' and Fudge Yeah Ima go to your class I dont wanna know any boring history"

"Haha Okay Austin" we walked in to class and Austin took a seat next to me and Sarah,Alex and Robert were already there.

I took out my snack bar and started eating it Austin the big baby wanted some too. So I started feeding it to him

"You guys are so cute" Sarah said.

"Very Cute" Robert said.

"Thanks Guys" I said.

We spend the whole time Joking around I was most of the time in Austins Lap with his arm around my waist or He was hugging me super tight. Gosh this Guy Loves to Cuddle With Me Im guessing Im his TeddyBear. He so Cute Ahhh I love him.


I really do love him with all my heaet hes just so nice and honest and caring and funny makes me laugh alot get along well and LOVES TO CUDDLE!!! What More Can I ask For!!

Im officially head over heels in love with Austin that I fell super hard and I cant get up.

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