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Luna's POV

I wake up the next morning with a wide grin on my face, I must not have been able to shake it while I was sleeping. But, to be honest, I'm not even mad.

Today, I decide to take a shower this morning since I forgot to last night. I undress from my clothes on the way to the bathroom and take an incredibly short shower, I guess I'm just excited to see my cute, curly haired neighbor.

Twirling to my dresser, I hum a song by Taylor Swift. This is new for me, as I usually hate her and my music taste isn't really her kind of songs, but I continue the symphony in my head.

I never knew rekindling the old friendship Calum and I had would make me this happy.

I decided on a floral skater shirt with a white crop top after I put on some black cheeksters and a white bra. I pulled my skirt up a little so it was covering enough of my tummy, I didn't like the feeling of being over exposed around loads of people. With my skirt covering my belly, it still is long enough for me to be comfortable.

After brushing my teeth, I apply minimal mascara as usual. I don't really like caking my face in all that powder stuff. To top off today's makeup, I choose a light pink lip stick color. Even though, it's not very different from my usual pink lips, I like the look.

I blow dry my hair for only about five minutes, and let the rest air dry.

Grabbing my Keds, I head downstairs.

For breakfast I decide on a granola bar. Grabbing one, I decide to check my phone.

Calum : Hey come over for a sec, I need some help moving Ash's box drum.

Luna : K, be there in a min.

I grab my backpack, figuring I'd be there until it was time to head to school.

I head out my front door, and cut through my yard into Calum's.

"There you are," he says, waving me down into the garage. "Could you help me with this?" I laugh at him and head over to help him lift the musical instrument.

"Calum, you could of easily lifted this yourself." I say jokingly, pointing to his large biceps.

"I know." He simply says, smiling at me. A grin appears on my face as well. Maybe this was his way of asking me to come over before school.

We move the box drum to where he wanted it, (him doing most of the work) and I sit down on his couch. I check the time on my phone, and we have at least 20 minutes until we have to head to school.

Calum takes a couple of deep breaths and plops down next to me, kicking his black, skinny jeans covered legs up.

All I can do is laugh at how tired he is already.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel Calum's tan arm loop around the front of my body, hugging me and pulling me closer.

We sit like that until our 20 minutes are over, and I drive him to school just as I did yesterday.

Calum's POV

I woke up that morning only to find myself eager for Luna's touch. All I could think about was hugging her, and never letting go.

Of course, I didn't know if she felt the same. The first time we actually "talked" in years was yesterday. I was replaying her cute voice over and over in my head, hearing her giggle once in a while.

Finally, I pulled my lazy ass out of bed.

I hopped in the shower and just like that I was done. I never had a problem with my hair taking forever to dry, so I just let it be.

I simply picked out some black skinny jeans and my white Kurt Cobain shirt. I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times until I got the look I wanted, and headed into my kitchen.

I decided on eating a banana for breakfast, I wasn't very hungry.

Once I finished eating I decided to head out into my garage, I had nothing better to do. When I walked out there I set my backpack on a stool that's been in there for ages, and saw Ashton's box drum. After glimpsing at that, I remembered when Luna helped me with the couch yesterday. Just like that, I headed into my kitchen to look out the window, only to see her shadow.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and clicked on her name in my phone. Remembering Ashton's drum, I simply asked her if she could help me move it. Yes, those are fairly heavy, but I knew I was more than capable of carrying it myself. I just wanted an excuse to see her before school.

I walked out into my garage and saw her text.

Luna : K, be there in a min.

I returned to his drum and pretended to be struggling to move it. All I could hear were a few snickers, and then I knew she was behind me.

We had a conversation while moving it to where I knew Ash would like it. She did point out the fact that I could've moved it by myself, I just replied with a simple "I know," which caused her to giggle.

She took a seat on the couch as we finished, and I followed.

As I slouched next to her, I remembered my thoughts last night. I tried my best to rid them, but it was impossible.

I didn't want to move too fast, especially since there may be a chance that she might not feel the same about me. So, I just wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer. She didn't diss it, so that was a good thing.

Sadly, before I knew it, we had to head to school. I wish that I could've just stayed there forever, even if that's all we did. I was just hungry for her company. Not to mention, she looks beautiful today. Some of me thinks that maybe she knows that, and she's just trying to tease me.

Nevertheless, I couldn't be happier that I'm finally talking to the girl I've had a crush on for my whole life again.



Well now we know that Calum has had a crush on the same girl for his whole life, oooooooooh.

But, if you'd like, leave all your feedback in the comments and let me know how you guys are enjoying it so far! I would love to know your thoughts and opinions!!

I'm really enjoying writing this story so far! :)


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