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Luna's POV

The bell that went off after third hour was over signaled that it was time for lunch.

I grabbed my bag and started to head to the cafeteria.

On the way to the boys' table, I have to pass the jocks. These consist of the sports players who are too full of themselves and their way-too-preppy girlfriends. After I pass them, there's the more snobby girls, who judge you for just about everything. Then there's the band kids, who most people consider geeks, but they're pretty awesome. I throw them a shy wave as I walk past and they return the gesture.

Thankfully, I made it past the jerks that also sit at the table on the other side of the so-called geeks alive, and see all four of the boys sitting down at our usual table.

Calum pats the seat in between him and Luke. I quickly sit down in between them as Luke gives me a giant, warm embrace. Calum must not of liked this, he clenched his jaw and tightened his hands into fists. I know this is making him mad, as this has always been his natural response when he's mad ever since he was little.

Luke noticed that he was angry, and quickly released me. I sheepishly smiled at him. Why was Calum getting so jealous? He couldn't possibly like me, he's way out of my league.

I fiddle with my hands under the table as the boys make conversation. I didn't understand why Calum was acting like this.

I just simply shake away my thoughts, deciding not to worry about it.

The boys tell a couple of theories about their favorite bands, and I laugh at some of them. The one that's mostly talked about is that Kurt Cobain is still alive, which Ashton read on some conspiracy theory website.

Every one finished their lunch, and we usually just stay inside the cafeteria and continue our conversations. But, today I guess Calum didn't like the idea of it.

My neck tingled as I felt his hot breath against it. "Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" I just glanced up at the boys practicing some kind of hand shake.

"Yeah, of course." I say, flashing him a closed mouth smile.

The other boys just watch us walk away, not really thinking anything about it.

Calum walks a little faster paced and a little in front of me as he takes me around the corner of the noisy lunch room. I follow him down some more twists and turns, and we finally end up in this tiny room. I didn't even know this existed, and I feel like the staff didn't either. It was on the complete opposite side from all of the classrooms, down the hallway from the back door.

Calum flicked the light switch on as he walks close behind me, letting the door shut with a thud.

"Calum, how did you find this place?"  I ask him, looking around in the medium sized room. It was completely empty, and all of the windows has been covered in white blinds.

"I honestly don't know." He replied, giving me a chuckle. "I was ditching third period one day and came across this. Now, whenever I ditch, I either chill here or head out in general."

My back faces him as I examine the window and door. I don't know why, I just wanted to see what was so different about this room that they didn't use it. "Oh, I see."

Before I can say anything else, I feel Calum's muscular arm wrap around my waist to spin me on my heels so I'm facing him.

I look up from his chest to his face, memorizing his plump lips and his big, brown eyes.

He cups my cheeks, and before any movement can happen, smashes his lips against mine. My heart races as I move my hands to his cheeks as well. His tongue grazes my bottom lip, asking for entry. I allow him, by tilting my head and widening my mouth a little more. Our tongues collided perfectly and our lips felt like they were made for each others. My hands moved up his head to his dark brown hair and I took in hand fulls of it, tugging ever so lightly. Our heads bobbed together in unison as he started to caress my cheeks with his thumbs.

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